Monday, October 27, 2008

Suspect your man is sleeping with prostitutes ?

Are you worried that your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes? Usually your first instincts are correct. The old expression about a woman's intuition is based more on fact than just fiction.

Infidelity can take many shapes and forms but historically the most difficult form of infidelity to discover is when a man is cheating with prostitutes or escort services. Infidelity with prostitutes is usually more anonymous and without any emotional ties so a man sleeping with a prostitute will leave less clues to his adultery.

In the past the only way a man could find a prostitute was on a street corner, a brothel or hotel bar. But today the majority of prostitutes find their clients over the Internet. There are web sites, blogs, message boards and even entire online communities devoted to prostitutes who call themselves "providers" and their clients who call themselves "hobbyists". They rate each other and give reviews based on price, cleanliness, honesty and attractiveness. They will also blackball members for things like dishonesty or STDs.

There are also "adult dating" sites that also cater to prostitutes. Sometimes you'll even find porn stars advertising their services on these adult dating sites.

If you suspect your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes there are some steps you can take to either confirm or dispel your suspicions but you should do something. It's not healthy to live in doubt, distrust and suspicion. It's not good for yourself or the health of your relationship. Suspicion and distrust will breed only contempt.

Today with so much infidelity originating on the Internet a cottage industry of private investigators has grown up that can investigate online activity to uncover infidelity or other inappropriate behavior.

You can find secret dating service memberships, locate secret email addresses and Myspace pages. You can also find out if they are members of escort service communities and porn cam sites.

If you decide to hire an investigator to look into this be sure to hire someone that has experience in online infidelity investigations.
Do a Google search on the company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field and be sure to compare pricing and turn around times before deciding on who to hire.

If you suspect your man is sleeping with prostitutes you need to find out the truth.

Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit


Anonymous said...

This guy got caught and went to great lengths to erase & deny. Of course the police found forensic traces because he threatened one of his real-life targets for telling on him (and she went to the cops)...

His wife believes he was "set up" - talk about delusional.

Anonymous said...

It's much easier today to find an escort than ever before. Craigslist helped open this up for the average person. I remember years ago people mentioned Craigslist at work. It was the talk around the water cooler. It wasn't considered a risky site, so it wasn't blocked by companies that provide internet access. Many guys would go into the "Casual Encounters" to find someone that might be interested in meeting.

Today, many companies block craigslist because it's considered disruptive to actual work. But still, when there is a will, there usually is a way.