Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stop Employee Theft With Internet Investigations

According to the FBI employee theft “the fastest growing crime in America!” and the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly. These comments are alarming but not surprising to any business owner. Every business owner or manager has seen or experienced employee theft in one form or another.

Today employee theft is far more sophisticated than it was before the age of computers, email and cell phones. Today the embezzling employee can be far more secretive in their theft. They can avoid the company switchboard by using cell phones. Communicate in code over text messages, they can set up secret email accounts to conspire with fellow thieving employees. They may even set up secret online auction accounts or secret web sites to sell the company merchandise they have stolen.

Many investigators experienced in uncovering employee theft will report of rogue employees operating a business within a business. Actually making extra purchases from suppliers and selling them on the side at a huge discount to your own clients.

The good news is that the same technology a thieving employee will use to commit his crimes can be turned around against them to uncover their crimes. Thanks to investigative sciences like cell phone forensics, email tracing, online investigations.

The same results can be obtained through online investigations into secret email accounts, secret Myspace pages, secret auction accounts. The less secrets an employee has the less chance they have to steal from the company.

Many investigators are experienced in employee theft investigations but not all are versed in Internet and forensic investigations So if you decide to hire a PI to help you in routing out employee theft be sure to find one experienced in email tracing, cellular forensics and digital information recovery.

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc.
He is an expert in email tracing and cellular forensics. If you need assistance regarding employee thft visit his web site www.emailrevealer.com

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