Are you worried that your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes? Usually your first instincts are correct. The old expression about a woman's intuition is based more on fact than just fiction.
Infidelity can take many shapes and forms but historically the most difficult form of infidelity to discover is when a man is cheating with prostitutes or escort services. Infidelity with prostitutes is usually more anonymous and without any emotional ties so a man sleeping with a prostitute will leave less clues to his adultery.
In the past the only way a man could find a prostitute was on a street corner, a brothel or hotel bar. But today the majority of prostitutes find their clients over the Internet. There are web sites, blogs, message boards and even entire online communities devoted to prostitutes who call themselves "providers" and their clients who call themselves "hobbyists". They rate each other and give reviews based on price, cleanliness, honesty and attractiveness. They will also blackball members for things like dishonesty or STDs.
There are also "adult dating" sites that also cater to prostitutes. Sometimes you'll even find porn stars advertising their services on these adult dating sites.
If you suspect your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes there are some steps you can take to either confirm or dispel your suspicions but you should do something. It's not healthy to live in doubt, distrust and suspicion. It's not good for yourself or the health of your relationship. Suspicion and distrust will breed only contempt.
Today with so much infidelity originating on the Internet a cottage industry of private investigators has grown up that can investigate online activity to uncover infidelity or other inappropriate behavior.
You can find secret dating service memberships, locate secret email addresses and Myspace pages. You can also find out if they are members of escort service communities and porn cam sites.
If you decide to hire an investigator to look into this be sure to hire someone that has experience in online infidelity investigations.
Do a Google search on the company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field and be sure to compare pricing and turn around times before deciding on who to hire.
If you suspect your man is sleeping with prostitutes you need to find out the truth.
Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Myspace Stalking - How to Fight back!
According to the Urban dictionary, Myspace Stalking is when you do research on a person via myspace. Sounds harmless right? But Myspace stalking can take a serious turn.
Consider the case of Megan Meieras as reported by Fox News:
Megan thought she had made a new friend online when a cute teenage boy named Josh contacted her on MySpace and began exchanging messages with her. Megan, a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, corresponded with Josh for more than a month before he abruptly ended their friendship, telling her he had heard she was cruel.
The next day Megan committed suicide. Her family learned later that Josh never actually existed; he was created by members of a neighborhood family that included a former friend of Megan's.
Are there other stories equally as tragic going on this very second that never get reported on the news? Of course there are.
The phenomena of Myspace stalking is something relatively new. Myspace has only been around since 2003 yet its already a household name. Myspace stalking has been around since the creation of Myspace but today there are several software programs designed specifically to aid in Myspace stalking. In fact there's even a cottage industry of tee shirts and bumper stickers that proudly declare "I'm a Myspace Stalker".
There are steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of a Myspace stalker.
1. Do not use your real name when opening you Myspace account
2. Set up a special free anonymous email account specifically for your Myspace account
3. Do not reveal , your name , age, birthday, employment or school in your profile.
4. Carefully study any pics you post to be sure there is no identifiers like a licence plate, street sign or house number.
If you do feel you are becoming the recipient of unwanted attention or possibly the target of a cyber stalker set your profile to private and remove the stalker from your friends list.
Document everything, save to disc and print out a hard copy for your records.
Use caution when reporting the stalker to Myspace. If you do they will usually shut down the account making it more difficult for the stalker to be located and identified should you need to report them to police or initiate a civil lawsuit for defamation.
If you feel you need to protect yourself you can hire an investigator that specializes in Myspace stalking and cyber talking cases in general. These investigators have tools and techniques to locate and identify your stalker, perform complete background checks and give you an idea of the threat level of your stalker.
An investigator can even perform an Online Risk Assessment to see how vulnerable you are to cyber stalking and identity theft. They will take your information, and playing the role of a stalker attempt to obtain your personal information with the information that is available online.
If you are getting unwanted attention and you are concerned you may become a victim on an online stalker you should have an online risk assessment performed on yourself.
There are several online investigation services that offer these types of investigations but before hiring one do a little investigation on them first. Check them out on Google to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field of Internet investigations and email tracing.
ED Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc.He is considered an Email Tracing Expert. His website, offers Blog Or Social Network Identification Investigations, Email Tracing and Online Risk Assessments.
Consider the case of Megan Meieras as reported by Fox News:
Megan thought she had made a new friend online when a cute teenage boy named Josh contacted her on MySpace and began exchanging messages with her. Megan, a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, corresponded with Josh for more than a month before he abruptly ended their friendship, telling her he had heard she was cruel.
The next day Megan committed suicide. Her family learned later that Josh never actually existed; he was created by members of a neighborhood family that included a former friend of Megan's.
Are there other stories equally as tragic going on this very second that never get reported on the news? Of course there are.
The phenomena of Myspace stalking is something relatively new. Myspace has only been around since 2003 yet its already a household name. Myspace stalking has been around since the creation of Myspace but today there are several software programs designed specifically to aid in Myspace stalking. In fact there's even a cottage industry of tee shirts and bumper stickers that proudly declare "I'm a Myspace Stalker".
There are steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of a Myspace stalker.
1. Do not use your real name when opening you Myspace account
2. Set up a special free anonymous email account specifically for your Myspace account
3. Do not reveal , your name , age, birthday, employment or school in your profile.
4. Carefully study any pics you post to be sure there is no identifiers like a licence plate, street sign or house number.
If you do feel you are becoming the recipient of unwanted attention or possibly the target of a cyber stalker set your profile to private and remove the stalker from your friends list.
Document everything, save to disc and print out a hard copy for your records.
Use caution when reporting the stalker to Myspace. If you do they will usually shut down the account making it more difficult for the stalker to be located and identified should you need to report them to police or initiate a civil lawsuit for defamation.
If you feel you need to protect yourself you can hire an investigator that specializes in Myspace stalking and cyber talking cases in general. These investigators have tools and techniques to locate and identify your stalker, perform complete background checks and give you an idea of the threat level of your stalker.
An investigator can even perform an Online Risk Assessment to see how vulnerable you are to cyber stalking and identity theft. They will take your information, and playing the role of a stalker attempt to obtain your personal information with the information that is available online.
If you are getting unwanted attention and you are concerned you may become a victim on an online stalker you should have an online risk assessment performed on yourself.
There are several online investigation services that offer these types of investigations but before hiring one do a little investigation on them first. Check them out on Google to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field of Internet investigations and email tracing.
ED Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc.He is considered an Email Tracing Expert. His website, offers Blog Or Social Network Identification Investigations, Email Tracing and Online Risk Assessments.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
How to Use a Reverse Email Search to Catch Bail Skips
If you're a professional bail bond agent, bounty hunter or recovery agent you will probably be surprised to learn how a reverse email search can assist you in locating and recovering a bail skip. In fact most intake forms at the average bail bond office do not even have a field for the applicant to provide an email address.
This is a huge mistake. An email address is an excellent tool in maintaining contact with the defendant before they ever skip in the first place, but it's even better for locating the defendant should they run out on their bail or miss court. A reverse email search investigation when conducted by an expert can pinpoint the exact location of your skip.
An auto responder email program could be used to maintain contact with the client. Remind them of pertinent court dates and telephone check in times and to verify and update contact information. If a client skips you can review the recorded IP addresses of the clients email responses and see if there is a pattern. Possibly another location the client uses to read and reply to his emails at a certain time of day. Perhaps from a girlfriend or relatives computer or a specific public library.
But if they fail to maintain contact or skip out on you, a reverse email search is an excellent method to track them down and locate exactly where they are when they open an email.
Other forms of online investigation services such as locating and monitoring social network sites like Myspace and Facebook can also be extremely effective methods. Likewise an online dating service search to locate the personal ads sites the skip has memberships.
In 2008 most people if not all have email accounts. Many will use online personal ad services and still more will have social network pages such as Myspace and Friendster. A person that's on the run or out in the street is more likely to be able to use a free email account at the public library rather than to use a cell phone. Yet every bail bonds intake form will ask for a cell number and not many will ask for an email address. Even if you never asked for an email address on the intake form an email tracing expert can also locate secret or hidden email addresses a bail skip might be using and then perform a reverse email search on that address to locate your skip.
As you can see there are many benefits to the bail bond office by recording a clients email address and requiring email contact with the client. There are also many options available to the expert email tracer in locating a skip by using online investigations or a reverse email search. I'm sure as a professional in your field there are other applications you could think of and request in a custom Internet investigation.
If you can see the benefits a reverse email search can provide in locating a bail skip you need to establish a relationship with an email tracing expert. Before retaining their services be sure to Google their name and company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in Email tracing services.
Ed Opperman is the president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in email tracing and Internet investigations. If you need assistance in locating a bail skip with a reverse email search visit
This is a huge mistake. An email address is an excellent tool in maintaining contact with the defendant before they ever skip in the first place, but it's even better for locating the defendant should they run out on their bail or miss court. A reverse email search investigation when conducted by an expert can pinpoint the exact location of your skip.
An auto responder email program could be used to maintain contact with the client. Remind them of pertinent court dates and telephone check in times and to verify and update contact information. If a client skips you can review the recorded IP addresses of the clients email responses and see if there is a pattern. Possibly another location the client uses to read and reply to his emails at a certain time of day. Perhaps from a girlfriend or relatives computer or a specific public library.
But if they fail to maintain contact or skip out on you, a reverse email search is an excellent method to track them down and locate exactly where they are when they open an email.
Other forms of online investigation services such as locating and monitoring social network sites like Myspace and Facebook can also be extremely effective methods. Likewise an online dating service search to locate the personal ads sites the skip has memberships.
In 2008 most people if not all have email accounts. Many will use online personal ad services and still more will have social network pages such as Myspace and Friendster. A person that's on the run or out in the street is more likely to be able to use a free email account at the public library rather than to use a cell phone. Yet every bail bonds intake form will ask for a cell number and not many will ask for an email address. Even if you never asked for an email address on the intake form an email tracing expert can also locate secret or hidden email addresses a bail skip might be using and then perform a reverse email search on that address to locate your skip.
As you can see there are many benefits to the bail bond office by recording a clients email address and requiring email contact with the client. There are also many options available to the expert email tracer in locating a skip by using online investigations or a reverse email search. I'm sure as a professional in your field there are other applications you could think of and request in a custom Internet investigation.
If you can see the benefits a reverse email search can provide in locating a bail skip you need to establish a relationship with an email tracing expert. Before retaining their services be sure to Google their name and company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in Email tracing services.
Ed Opperman is the president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in email tracing and Internet investigations. If you need assistance in locating a bail skip with a reverse email search visit
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Stop Employee Theft With Internet Investigations
According to the FBI employee theft “the fastest growing crime in America!” and the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly. These comments are alarming but not surprising to any business owner. Every business owner or manager has seen or experienced employee theft in one form or another.
Today employee theft is far more sophisticated than it was before the age of computers, email and cell phones. Today the embezzling employee can be far more secretive in their theft. They can avoid the company switchboard by using cell phones. Communicate in code over text messages, they can set up secret email accounts to conspire with fellow thieving employees. They may even set up secret online auction accounts or secret web sites to sell the company merchandise they have stolen.
Many investigators experienced in uncovering employee theft will report of rogue employees operating a business within a business. Actually making extra purchases from suppliers and selling them on the side at a huge discount to your own clients.
The good news is that the same technology a thieving employee will use to commit his crimes can be turned around against them to uncover their crimes. Thanks to investigative sciences like cell phone forensics, email tracing, online investigations.
The same results can be obtained through online investigations into secret email accounts, secret Myspace pages, secret auction accounts. The less secrets an employee has the less chance they have to steal from the company.
Many investigators are experienced in employee theft investigations but not all are versed in Internet and forensic investigations So if you decide to hire a PI to help you in routing out employee theft be sure to find one experienced in email tracing, cellular forensics and digital information recovery.
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc.
He is an expert in email tracing and cellular forensics. If you need assistance regarding employee thft visit his web site
U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly. These comments are alarming but not surprising to any business owner. Every business owner or manager has seen or experienced employee theft in one form or another.
Today employee theft is far more sophisticated than it was before the age of computers, email and cell phones. Today the embezzling employee can be far more secretive in their theft. They can avoid the company switchboard by using cell phones. Communicate in code over text messages, they can set up secret email accounts to conspire with fellow thieving employees. They may even set up secret online auction accounts or secret web sites to sell the company merchandise they have stolen.
Many investigators experienced in uncovering employee theft will report of rogue employees operating a business within a business. Actually making extra purchases from suppliers and selling them on the side at a huge discount to your own clients.
The good news is that the same technology a thieving employee will use to commit his crimes can be turned around against them to uncover their crimes. Thanks to investigative sciences like cell phone forensics, email tracing, online investigations.
The same results can be obtained through online investigations into secret email accounts, secret Myspace pages, secret auction accounts. The less secrets an employee has the less chance they have to steal from the company.
Many investigators are experienced in employee theft investigations but not all are versed in Internet and forensic investigations So if you decide to hire a PI to help you in routing out employee theft be sure to find one experienced in email tracing, cellular forensics and digital information recovery.
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc.
He is an expert in email tracing and cellular forensics. If you need assistance regarding employee thft visit his web site
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What is an Email Header Comparison?
If you Google Email Header Trace you'll get hundreds of thousands of results. Most of the pages will give you detailed step by step instructions on how to perform an email header trace.Usually in reply to a question about how to identify the sender of an email.
The instructions will tell you how to obtain the headers,do a WHOIS and a DNS lookup and other very interesting technical advice.
Unfortunately all that advice will most likely get you is an ISP and maybe a city from where the email originated.
Even worse I've seen that many of the advice is confusing and you may wind up tracing your own Ip address instead of the senders.
Not to say that header information is useless. In the hands of a trained investigator that is experienced in Internet investigations a header can be very helpful in identifying the sender of an email.
A Header Comparison is when you take the email header from the person you want identified and compare that header to a list of suspects you think may have sent the first email to you anonymously.
A basic header comparison can rule out suspects and narrow down that list. A seasoned professional investigator that has experience in Internet investigations, can perform a more detailed header comparison investigation , using little known methods to determine unique identifying information about the senders and suspects computers. Either clearing them as a suspect or identifying them beyond a doubt.
Ed Opperman is the president of Opperman Investigations.
He is considered as an Email Tracing expert. If you need assistance in dealing with a header comparison you can visit his web site.
The instructions will tell you how to obtain the headers,do a WHOIS and a DNS lookup and other very interesting technical advice.
Unfortunately all that advice will most likely get you is an ISP and maybe a city from where the email originated.
Even worse I've seen that many of the advice is confusing and you may wind up tracing your own Ip address instead of the senders.
Not to say that header information is useless. In the hands of a trained investigator that is experienced in Internet investigations a header can be very helpful in identifying the sender of an email.
A Header Comparison is when you take the email header from the person you want identified and compare that header to a list of suspects you think may have sent the first email to you anonymously.
A basic header comparison can rule out suspects and narrow down that list. A seasoned professional investigator that has experience in Internet investigations, can perform a more detailed header comparison investigation , using little known methods to determine unique identifying information about the senders and suspects computers. Either clearing them as a suspect or identifying them beyond a doubt.
Ed Opperman is the president of Opperman Investigations.
He is considered as an Email Tracing expert. If you need assistance in dealing with a header comparison you can visit his web site.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Cell phone Records and Cell Phone Forensics
It's amazing to think that today the average person can play CSI detective. If they suspect their spouse is cheating they can take a cellular phone and Fed Ex it off to a lab and have a complete detailed forensic examination returned in just a few days. All for the price of a dinner and a show. We'll it's true.
Just a few years ago it was possible to go online and order copies of anyone's detailed telephone records. This was seen by many as a dangerous invasion of privacy so lawmakers in Washington DC proposed and passed laws making that practice unlawful.
Many adulterers took a heavy sigh of relief. Believing that their infidelity could no longer be uncovered by the spouse that liked to play detective.
Shortly after the laws were passed a new state of the art science called Handheld Digital Forensics" became available to the average citizen. In this science you can take any handheld digital device and recover deleted text messages, deleted pics, caller ID entries and practically anything else that was ever recorded on the device.
This science has uncovered many cheating souses. One such case involved a man that had been out late one night. His mate insisted to review his cell phone to see any pics on the device. A fight ensued and as a last desperate effort to conceal his infidelity the man smashed his phone down destroying the LCD screen. He thought he had buried his indiscretion forever.
His mate sent us the phone and we were able to retrieve all the text messages of this man arranging an appointment with an escort. We were also able to recover pics of the man receiving a sexual act from his paid prostitute.
Unfortunately the boys in the lab don't get to see the look on the mans face when his mate confronted him with the evidence but we can feel satisfied that the truth was uncovered. An unsuspecting victim of infidelity was provided picture proof and is now able to make informed educated decisions about her relationship and her future.
Ed Opperman is Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc, and cheif investigator for
If you need help with Cellular Forensics feel free to contact him at
Just a few years ago it was possible to go online and order copies of anyone's detailed telephone records. This was seen by many as a dangerous invasion of privacy so lawmakers in Washington DC proposed and passed laws making that practice unlawful.
Many adulterers took a heavy sigh of relief. Believing that their infidelity could no longer be uncovered by the spouse that liked to play detective.
Shortly after the laws were passed a new state of the art science called Handheld Digital Forensics" became available to the average citizen. In this science you can take any handheld digital device and recover deleted text messages, deleted pics, caller ID entries and practically anything else that was ever recorded on the device.
This science has uncovered many cheating souses. One such case involved a man that had been out late one night. His mate insisted to review his cell phone to see any pics on the device. A fight ensued and as a last desperate effort to conceal his infidelity the man smashed his phone down destroying the LCD screen. He thought he had buried his indiscretion forever.
His mate sent us the phone and we were able to retrieve all the text messages of this man arranging an appointment with an escort. We were also able to recover pics of the man receiving a sexual act from his paid prostitute.
Unfortunately the boys in the lab don't get to see the look on the mans face when his mate confronted him with the evidence but we can feel satisfied that the truth was uncovered. An unsuspecting victim of infidelity was provided picture proof and is now able to make informed educated decisions about her relationship and her future.
Ed Opperman is Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc, and cheif investigator for
If you need help with Cellular Forensics feel free to contact him at
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