Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Data Can Be Recovered From A Samsung Besides Deleted Text Messages

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Besides just deleted text messages or SMS, there is a great deal of information that can be recovered from a Samsung cellular phone. But more important that just the raw data that a forensic examination will return is the follow up investigation to analyze and cross reference the data as part of an overall investigation. When this data is carefully examined it can be pivotal in many areas of investigation. Such as infidelity, drug abuse, gambling addiction, teen sex, employee theft and even missing persons investigations.

1. Phonebook

Once the phone book data has been recovered the investigator will take every phone number entry and run them through a reverse phone search directory. We should assume that anything in there may be coded or altered to fool prying eyes.

2. Call Logs

Until the mid 90s cell phone call logs records were the state of the art in infidelity investigations. However new laws were passed making it unlawful to obtain a persons cell phone call logs without a subpoena or court order. These laws do not apply to a forensic examination of the phones internal memory. It is perfectly legal to recover and document this information. Call logs can still be the most valuable information an investigator can recover.

3. Calendar

The calendar information is crucial o an investigation. We are not just looking for entries and deleted entries we are looking for non entries. Spaces of unaccounted for times. WE are also looking for special occasions and events noted on the calendar like birthdays, anniversaries and events.

4. SMS History

Most people are already familiar with the SMS or text history from watching CSI TV crime shows. But in real life you may not find a confession on there. But when cross referenced with the calendar and call logs and appointments you may find the circumstantial evidence to prove your case. Of course you may find a smoking gun incriminating text that will close the case. But it's important to gather every last bit of information to come to the correct conclusion.

Cell phone texts messages are a great source of information in any investigation but don't overlook the rest of the data that can be recovered and cross referenced in a full forensic examination and data recovery process. An Investigator cannot be myopic. They must gather every possible bit of information and see how the overall puzzle fits together.'

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Friday, July 29, 2011

EmailRevealer Launches Internet Gambling Addiction Investigation Service

Colorado Springs, Colorado July 29, 2011 -
A recent study revealed that in America, approximately 2.5 million adults suffer from compulsive gambling, about 3 million are considered problem gamblers, around 15 million adults are at risk of becoming problem gamblers.148 million fall under the low risk gambler category.

That's why an Internet investigations service run by Ed Opperman of Opperman Investigations Inc has launched a custom designed investigative service aimed at obtaining evidence of Internet gambling addiction.

Retrieving evidence of an Internet gambling addiction, can prove to be beneficial when one is trying prove a parent is unfit in child custody litigation. However, due to legal restrictions and privacy laws, consumers are not generally able to access the membership lists of online gambling sites without a court ordered subpoena.. This is why Email Revealer’s new Internet Gambling Addiction Investigation can be helpful in child custody litigation.

According to Ed Opperman, the owner of and the inventor of this new service, “This [Gambling Addiction Investigation] is an excellent legal method of obtaining evidence of a gambling addiction. So far we have had great sucess, much better than the dating Service Infidelity Investigation"

Opperman’s web site,¸ describes Internet gambling investigation as being for people that have noticed signs of gambling addiction and suspect their partner is betting online with a secret online betting account.

"The way the search works is we take a suspected gamblers email address and use it to search all the online gambling web sites. We return a report of a list of sites the email is registered on " Says Opperman. "It's better than the dating site search because people use a real verified email address to gamble with because they want to get paid if they win"

Email Revealer’s email tracing services are not limited to gambling or infidelity, however. Alongside locating cheaters and gamblers, their Reverse Email Search Investigation services can locate or identify cyber stalkers or people engaged in Online defamation. It can also locate people like bail jumpers or run away teens.


Email Revealer is an online investigation service that specializes in investigating extramarital activity. In addition to their computer and cell phone forensics services, Email Revealer provides personal ad investigations, porn and escort web site investigations, and dating service investigation. For more information on Email Revealer’s Gambling Addiction Search , visit

Can A Reverse Email Search Report Be Used As Evidence In Court?

If you are a victim of a cyber stalker or some kind of online fraud, deflation or harassment you may be considering using a reverse email search to identify the person behind the email address that you are having trouble with. One major factor to consider is whether or not you can use that report in a court of law. This is a very serious consideration and we will attempt to address that question in this article. Because there are many misconceptions about this topic. Some people mistakenly feel that the only evidence that could be used in court must be obtained through a subpoena on the ISP.

If you go online and search for a reverse email search most of the services you'll find are simply instant data base searches. These are instant searches that makes use of large data bases like Facebook users and MySpace users and people that use their email address to subscribe to online newsletters and such things. While this may be a nice simple first step in an investigation it is not evidence that can be used in court.

If you need to locate or identify a person from an email address and you are not able to use the subpoena process but you need a report that can be submitted to law enforcement or used in court your first step is a reverse email trace report. This is a thorough investigation into the real identity behind the email address. A private investigator will take he time to not only run the email through several different databases but also examine the headers, trace the IP address and also email the email with several pretexts to trick or trap the person into revealing their identity.

This kind of investigation will return a report in email format. In some cases this basic report can be turned over to law enforcement or used as an exhibit in lower courts such as small claims, TPO court or Family court appearances. But if you need something more that is available also.

The investigator can provide a report supported by a notarized affidavit of his findings outlining his investigation step by step and explaining exactly how he obtaining the identifying information on the email without a subpoena and without breaking the law.

This can be incredibly hard evidence, including an audio recording of the subject of the investigation identifying himself as the person behind the email.

So if anyone tells you that you can't use a reverse email trace report in court and can only use evidence obtained via subpoena they are simply misinformed.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Article Source:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seven Common Methods People Will Use To Spy On Their Spouse

In almost every relationship you'll have one partner that is suspicious of the other partner and will stoop to snooping. If you think your spouse is spying on you then you'll need to take a look at these most common methods people use to spy on their partners.

1. Credit Card and Cell Phone Bills:

Spouses will snoop on each other by methodically going over the credit card bills, cell phone bills and carefully scrutinize ever phone call and every financial transaction looking for signs of cheating.

2. Telephone Tape Recording:

It's very simple to buy a voice activate digital tape recorder from any electronics store. Some can record up to 24 hours. You can leave one behind in a car or room or attach to a telephone to record all the conversations.

3. Computer Key Loggers:

It's very simple these days to download key logging software to record every keystroke typed onto a computer keyboard. This information is compiled and emailed to the snooping spouse up to 10 times a day. Some key loggers can be installed remotely via email.

4. Online Infidelity Investigation:

This is where a suspicious spouse will take their partners email address and trace it back to secret personal ads on online dating services.This type of investigation can be expanded to include porn sites, escort service sites and even Internet gambling sites.

5. Computer Hard Drive Forensics:

Often a snooper will turn over the family hard drive to recover deleted emails, browser history and deleted pics. In some cases years worth of incriminating deleted data can be recovered from a computer hard drive.

6. Cell Phone Forensics:

This is where you take a cell phone and recover deleted texts messages, pics, call logs and other data from a cellular phone.On some model phones like the iPhone you can recover up to two years worth of location tracking information. Today this is considered to be the best resource for any investigator investigating infidelity.

7 Asset Search Investigation:

Many times an asset search investigation can discover hidden funds, secret bank accounts and even vehicles or real estate that a spouse is completely unaware of. This is a sure sign of infidelity or a pending divorce.

If you believe your spouse is spying on you, you might want to contact a private investigator that specialized in counter surveillance and hacked computer investigations. many times they can discover evidence of computer hacking, key logging or unlawful wiretapping.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is Pres Of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you suspect someone is reading your emails you need a hacked email account investigation. Visit to locate or identify the hacker.

Article Source:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why Trace Email - Here Are 4 Reasons

There are several different reasons. You may want to trace an e-mail address. It is becoming more commonplace for people to try to trace e-mail addresses. In this article we will look at four reasons why you may want to trace one.

There are many various ways you can use to trace an email address on the Internet. However, do you know why you would want to trace email? There are a couple of different reasons why people all over need to trace email.

Here are some of the more common reasons why people are tracing an email address back to the owner.

One: Are you getting a lot of spam email and you want to find out where it is coming from? This is one big reason why people are tracing an email address. When you trace email like this back to the owner you can stop them from sending you any other spam emails.

Unwanted junk mail can carry viruses that are harmful to your computer. Plus they are very irritating. Even if you have a spam filter catching your email it can be time consuming scanning it to make sure you are not missing an emails you actually do want to read!

Two: Are you looking for an old friend or family member? Some people trace email to help them find someone that they want to see again. By tracing an email address you will be able to locate that person. Then you can contact them to renew the friendship or relationship with your family member.

Three: You want to do a reverse email search because you have the email address and want to know who's it is.

Four: You have the address and the name of a person but you need to find out their e-mail address. This can be tricky as getting an email address and changing it is so easy to do.

These are four of the more common reasons why people everywhere trace email. You may even have your own reasons that are not so common. Why you are tracing an email address will only be important to you but you still need to know why you are doing the search.

This will make it easier for you find what you are looking for. So take some time to figure out what your reasons are. That will help you stay motivated if the search gets hard.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your trace email address needs. He offers online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: --->

Sunday, July 17, 2011

With the Simple Use of an Email Address You Can Catch a Cheater

Online infidelity has almost become a household word in today's fast paced world of cyberspace cheating. It is a problem that most everyone has heard of and it continues to grow every single year in epidemic proportions. Websites that have sprung up like poison ivy have drawn the attention of not only single people that are trying to meet like minded individuals, but they have also served as a magnet to many that are committed to a relationship or a marriage. Subsequently this has also meant that the number of innocent victims trying to catch a cheater has also grown.

People that are involved in a relationship and register on social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, or various other types of dating services that ultimately lead to online infidelity, generally do not stop to think that this painful act does not just affect their innocent partner of spouse. In many cases their poor choices will also affect children of the relationship, other family members, and even close friends as well. The devastating effects of online infidelity cause countless individuals the need to go on a mission to catch a cheater and put an end to their curiosity.

Although most all women would understandably argue the issue, there are as many as 75% of men that engage in steamy conversations with other women, or become involved in the new fad of online dating, that feel it is not a form of cheating against their girlfriend or wife. Another shocking bit of information is that cheating that often results from individuals registering with various social networks accounts for as much as one-third of the divorce cases that are in litigation. These statistics alone have increased the number of individuals that begin to have concerns about their partners and research options available to catch a cheater.

What many people are not aware of is the goal to catch a cheater can be as easy as an email address. This is all that is needed for professional private investigators to conduct an online infidelity investigation, which can provide you with helpful information including specific website links of social networking sites where your partner or spouse has registered with. A database that contains thousands of different online dating websites is used to trace the email of the party in question, that has been provided to the P.I.

Before selecting a private investigator, it would be to your advantage to ensure that they provide you with the necessary information that shows his level of expertise and knowledge in this type of investigation.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search if you need to catch a cheater. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: --->

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Do an AOL Reverse Email Search

AOL is one of the oldest and most recognized internet service providers and while many people have stopped using their connection portals, millions of people still use the AOL mail services. Even better, AOL now offers free, web based e-mail services. Many people prefer web based e-mails because they can take them along whenever they change their internet providers. The AOL web mail offers plenty of services along with web mail so it makes sense that it is one of the leading web mail providers.

Of course, because web mail is so popular and because there are people who like to change e-mail addresses often and create addresses specifically for newsletter subscriptions, junk mail, etc, there are a lot of AOL e-mail accounts that get hijacked by stalkers and people who like to send "anonymous" e-mails to others. The good news is this: if you have been getting unwanted e-mail from an AOL web mail address, it is possible to do a reverse e-mail search and find out who has been sending you the unwanted e-mail and make them stop.

Your first line of defense when it comes to unwanted e-mail is the reverse e-mail search provided by the web mail provider. If the e-mail is coming from an AOL web mail address, use the reverse e-mail search option provided by America Online itself. Using the web mail provider's reverse e-mail search tool should always be your first stop because it will be the easiest method in finding out who has been sending you the unwanted e-mail and/or spam. This is because it is easier for AOL to check its own records than it is for an outside source to try to check those records for you.

Of course, if the reverse e-mail search provided by AOL isn't successful, there are other options that are available to you. There are many different reverse e-mail search services available on the internet and you should try as many as you can to get the results that you need. If none of the internet based reverse e-mail searches work out, and the unwanted e-mail has become a real problem, you might want to consider hiring a professional search service to find out who, exactly has been sending you the e-mail. In some cases a professional search service is the best way to go because there are many people, cyber stalkers especially, will take many steps to make sure that their identities and contact information remain hidden.

Remember that you need to be taking steps to protect your own AOL e-mail account as well. Make sure that your password isn't obvious and that it is hard to crack. Change it often so that you can reduce the risk of having your AOL web mail account being hijacked by cyberstalkers or people who would send unwanted harassing e-mail to other people.

Your tenacity will also play a big role in whether or not you see success with your reverse e-mail search. The more thorough your search, the more likely you will be to discover the identity of the e-mail address owner. It can often take a professional investigator weeks to trace back and identify the person behind an AOL screen name and they do this work everyday. Even if the AOL mailer is using, dial up or a proxy server it is still possible for them to be identified.

AOL is one of the oldest email service providers and a person that has used an email account for a long time will leave more of an Internet "footprint" and it will be easier to identify them.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>

Friday, July 15, 2011

How To Use An Online Dating Search To Catch A Cheating Spouse

Do you think your spouse is cheating on you? It is estimated as high as 50% of all are involved in infidelity at one time or another in their marriage. If that number seems high it isn't now thanks to the internet.

Let's look at this a little closer and see why you may need to use the internet to investigate your own spouse. Here are a few facts to keep in mind in regards to infidelity.

1. Infidelity is hard to spot because you may not be expecting it. In hindsight many of the signs are there from the very beginning.

2. Women cheat more often now that they are in the work place more than they used to be. This creates more opportunities.

3. Men still do cheat more on their wives than vice versa.

4. Internet dating services are helping increase the numbers of cheaters. Meeting people on the internet is easier todo.

5. Chatting and instant messaging allows for instant communication and the chances for a relationship to develop quicker than in the past.

6. Infidelity can be both physical and emotional. Physical infidelity is starting on the internet with emotional infidelity.

So what do you do if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you? Certainly you can confront them, but many times this only leads to a string of lies that can make matters worse and leave you even more suspicious than before.

You can hire a professional to investigate for you. The internet can actually work in your favor as well. Hiring a private investigator involves a bit more sophistication now than in the past.

You are not tailing your spouse to see where they are going. You are starting by providing your spouse's email address. It will be fed into a database of thousands of dating web sites to see what comes up.

If the email address they are using, is registered to online dating service, you are given the website address. This is factual information to confront them with. Plus it is fast to find out. You can know in a day or even a few hours time.

The fees for a dating service search can range from $70 to $100 and is a great way to find internet infidelities.

In conclusion infidelity is a thing that happens and may happen to you. The only way to know for sure is to look into it. Now you can use the internet to do online dating searches and find out if your spouse is cheating on you.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your email trace online needs. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ---->

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How To Trace An Email If You Don't Have The Headers?

Do you have an email address and need to locate or identify that person? If so you may be thinking that the only way to locate or identify someone from an email address is to examine the headers and trace the IP address back to the ISP (Internet Service Provider). Then you would have to get a subpoena or court order for the ISP to turn over account holder information. If this is what you're thinking you're wrong. It is possible too trace an email address right back to the sender even if you do not have the headers. In most cases you won't need a court order or search warrant, just an experienced private investigator that knows what he's doing.

There's a great deal of misinformation all over the Internet about this subject. If you Google "how To Trace an Email" you'll get hundreds of hits from well meaning people on how to examine a header, obtain the Internet Protocol Address (IP). But that's not the information you are looking for. What you want is a name address and phone number for the person using that email address.

While examining the headers for identifying information is an important step it s not by any means the most important step.

The bottom line is that if you want to locate or identify someone hire an investigator. Private investigators have years of experience in tracking people down with very little identifying information. Long before email or the Internet was in popular use PIs have been locating bail jumpers and run away teenagers and tracing people down who use pay phones and fake Ids. This is not unfamiliar ground for private investigators.

Usually when a person wants to trace an email they will turn to their IT dept. Now the IT dept may be great at installing a network, removing a virus or upgrading Windows but stop and think. How many people have they ever tried to locate before embarking on their first email trace investigation? Zero!

The examination of the header and IP address is one step in an email trace investigation but it is only one step among many steps. So even if you do not have the headers the PI can usually trace the email successfully anyway. many times the PI can obtain the headers for you. But even without headers there are still many steps in an email trace investigation that will still result in obtaining the name and address and phone number behind an anonymous email account.

In fact in most cases an investigator can obtain the information behind an email not by examining the incoming header but by sending an emaail to the stalker and obtaining information when that person opens an email.

Far more information is obtained that way than is obtained by examining incoming headers.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do You Need a Subpeona To Obtain a Persons Banking And Financial Records?

You may be thinking that the only way you can obtain a persons financial information is through a court ordered subpoena duces tucem or by police though a search warrant. This is not true, in many cases as long as you have a legal and permissible reason to need this kind of information a private can legally investigate and obtain it for you. This can be done in compliance with all applicable laws such as the 1999 Gramm-Leach Bliley Act.

In many cases a private investigator can use an asset search investigation to discover a great deal of banking and financial information without having to subpoena. An asset search investigation when conducted by a professional with many years of experience can recover a great deal of financial and even banking information about a person. Of course one you have identified which institution the subject is banking at a subpoena can be used to obtain actual bank statements, records and deposits, withdrawals etc.

If you are in need to obtain banking and financial information about a person your first call should be to a private investigator that is experienced in asset search investigation. A standard, basic asset search can locate bank accounts, property, real estate, vehicles and much more financial information about a person. Once you have this information you can use the subpoena process to serve each institution located to turn over all records relating to your court case.

It may be difficult to find an investigator that has expertise in this area. Not every investigator will do asset searches. It's a specialized field of investigation. Also recent legislation has made it unlawful to use the old standard techniques the private detectives used to use to obtain this kind of financial information. In fact some investigators are so inexperienced in this are that they mistakenly believe that any kind of investigation to disconcert financial information about a person is unlawful or illegal. This is simply not true.

A very basic search of public records such and real property records can reveal banking information about a person. Property records are public information that anyone can view without any kind of subpoena or court order. Many times this recorded document will include first and second mortgages associated with the property. This will reveal banking information that a trained investigator can follow up on, legally without a subpoena, and return financial banking information about the person being investigate.

Now this is just one very simple obvious method that anyone can do. But keep in mind that a professional investigator that has been doing this for years has literally hundreds of such avenues of perfectly legally obtainable financial information that does not initially require a court order or subpeona duces tucem. Anyone that tells you it is illegal or unlawful to obtain financial information about a subject without a subpoena is simply misinformed. They are acting on old outdated misinformation.

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Case Study Of An Average Reverse Email Search Investigation

In this article we will attempt to describe what the average email trace investigation entails. We will describe the reasons for most common type of reverse email search investigation and the steps a private investigator or law enforcement may take to trace that email and locate or identify the sender.

Email trace investigations take a variety of forms but the most common are the following:

1 Infidelity Accusation. This when a husband or wife will receive an email basically saying, "your spouse is cheating." When a private investigator receives this kind of case it is almost always easily resolved because the parties receiving the email will usually have a person in mind that suspect is ending the emails. This makes the investigation very easy because there is information to examine and compare that can either rule out suspects or result in a direct match to a suspect. This kind of match is very powerful evidence and can be used in court to obtain a restraining order.

2. Workplace Disputes This is when an employer or coworker will receive "whistleblowing" emails. These emails usually contain false and defamatory accusation and are sent with the intention of poisoning the minds of management or coworkers against the target of the email accusations. Once again this type of investigation is also very simple and routine because we are starting the investigation with a limited number of suspects. In addition we can assume the work hours of the suspect and tailor our investigation to obtain computer information about the stalkers workplace computer as well as their home computer or mobile device.

3. Church, School or Social Network. Many times a cyber stalking case will take among mutual members of a common group or organization. Once again this creates a limited number of suspects and once again, we can do comparison examinations to rule out suspects one by one until we get an exact match.

It is very rare for the target of a cyber stalker not to have any suspects in mind. They usually know exactly who is doing it but just need solid proof. The victim is often intimidated because they believe their stalker is very computer savvy and skilled at covering their tracks. This is flawed thinking. The fact is that cyber stalkers are very easily caught and identified. In fact the computer savvy ones are the easiest to catch because in their overconfidence they become sloppy and trip them selves up.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Article Source:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Reverse Email Search Investigation Can Prove Violation of TPO Or Restraining Order

Sometimes when a person has a TRO or restraining order prohibiting a person from contacting you. That person will set up a fake email account and use that anonymous fake account to continue harassing you. They think they are in the clear and untraceable because they are not using their usual email address. But is actually possible to trace that anonymous email account right back to the sender using a reverse email search investigation. You can prove that the email was written and sent by the person the court has ordered cease all contact and communication with you. Even the most savvy computer geek that thinks he knows about proxy servers and anonymous emails can be can be traced and caught by these trained investigators.

This type of investigation into the author and origin of an email and the accompanying report you can submit to the court will be devastating evidence against the person that is violating the courts no contact order. Conversely if a person is accused of violating a TRO by sending anonymous emails this same type of investigation can produce evidence exonerating the accused, proving they did not or could not possibly sent the emails in question.

A reverse email investigation is conducted by private investigators that specialize in tracing emails back to the senders and producing reports that can be used in court. These investigators have years of experience in locating and identifying people from very little information. Long before email was even invented PIs have been experts at locating people. Now in the digital age every keystroke on a computer will leave a trail that can be traced right back to the senders computer.

A reverse email investigation can also be used to clear a defendant that is accused of violating a TRO and sending emails to a plaintiff. The same investigative techniques can be used to trace the email and through a forensic examination and comparison of the headers prove that the email could not possibly have been sent by a defendant.

If you are a litigant in a court case, TPO or otherwise and you intend to use an email as evidence you had better not walk into court empty handed. Today the courts are aware of email tracing and also email forging. So you had better bring in a report of a reverse email search investigation prepared by a qualified investigator.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Article Source:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

About To Get Married But Suspect He's a Cheater?

So you think you have found Mr. Right. He has proposed to you, and your about to walk down the aisle. Wait somethings wrong. He comes home late, guards his phone like a hawk. He acts differently around you. You may even have been starting to think physical contact with him even feels different. If you are going through any of this, or feeling any differently about the one you love, something could be wrong. He may be a cheater.

If you have any doubts at all you may just be right. Many things can go wrong if you disregard your gut feeling and suspicions. You could end up pregnant with a man who is not giving 100% like you. If you feel at all that your putting more effort into the relationship than your fiance, you probably are. So before you make that huge commitment give yourself a piece of mind or find out if what you are feeling is in fact true.

If you are planning a future with someone, the one true love of your life, you want to make sure you are making the right choice. A mistake at this point could ruin you, your future and future family. Once you're married there and m,any legal complications to consider. Divorce is expensive, both financially and emotionally. Then once there are children you are connected to that other person for the rest of your life.

Several things can be done to avoid a lot of hardship in the future with your soon to be husband or wife. I suggest hiring a private investigator to conduct several different searches to ensure that your fiance is not playing you for a fool.

A private investigator can conduct a dating service search to see what web sites your fiancee may have a membership with. This can uncover infidelity but may also uncover unusual sexual fetishes or sexual orientations you're not aware of.

A forensic examination of the hard drive of the computer- this would be done to see who if anyone your fiancee may be chatting with. Also pics, documents, emails

A forensic Examination of the cell phone is done to see if your fiancee may be texting another person. This kind of investigation can recover deleted texts and images.

I would also recommend a complete asset search on any potential marriage partner. This can uncover any unusual spending habits, expenses, liens, judgments and bankruptcies.

So you see there are many options to find out if your suspicions are true. Hopefully not, but is it worth knowing before you make a huge mistake. Marriage is supposed to be sacred. If you feel that way too and have any doubts whatsoever what have you got to lose?

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

Article Source:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Best Legal Alternative to Cell Phone Detailed Billing Records

Traditionally, cell phone bills contain a lot of useful information regarding all calls made, text messages sent and all SMS activity. You will find everything laid out in very fine detail such as the phone number of the person whom you called or sent a message to, the date and time when conversation or messaging occurred as well as the duration of the call. The system was developed in order to needlessly inform subscribers how they are being charged on a daily basis.

These informative cellular phone billing records have been quite useful aside from maintaining order between telecommunications companies and their clients. Case investigations have relied on the system since everything can be tracked down and time slots can be filled out accurately. Crimes and other anomalies have been cleared and solved because records can show that the parties listed were indeed involved. However, people are now looking for a legal alternative to cell phone detailed billing records wherein evidence can still be shown without compromising confidentiality and the risk of damaging reputation.

Some agencies also suggested that since billing records development uses MIT to trace outgoing and incoming messages and calls, there might also be a way to reverse the entire process. Perhaps records may also be able to show phone numbers, times, dates and duration of calls of others contacting your own cellular phone. This will eliminate threats and other annoying matters like text spam. How everything works is similar to reverse email search so others would know how to respect your privacy. More innovations are still currently underway.

A number of individuals are also getting more concerned about having their billing records viewed and accessed without their permission. There are already laws and regulations protecting the confidentiality of such documents unless ordered by legal authorities. Trying to catch a cheating spouse or a stealing employee will need a legal alternative to cell phone detailed billing records.

One of the most excellent ways available is handheld digital forensics wherein gadgets and other types of media used to store data can be accessed including deleted files or photos. Suspicious partners and company owners will be able to view and possibly prove any foul play through text messaging exchanges, pictures taken, recorded voice mail, recorded calls and other digital records present in any given device. Another advantage is that data can be retrieved even if the given device is damaged or modified. Advanced tools and programs are now created by experts to outsmart dishonest individuals and criminal minds.

Digital forensics has made it possible to solve old crimes as well as prevent new ones from taking place. Since information is discovered upon retrieval of all available data, there will be a lot of time to catch unscrupulous individuals during the scheming and planning phase. Specific and authentic information about mischievous activities will be revealed. The information provided will be way more helpful compared to cell phone billing records.

You will still be able to attain the same information provided by the detailed billing records and more. There are other protection programs and applications that further help companies and families maintain the integrity of relationships such as security surveillance in cellular phones, PDAs and other telecommunications gadgets. Electronic privacy is maintained while protecting the interests of the government, corporations and striving families.

Ed Opperman invites you to come by his cyber investigation website for all your needs of people searching. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone inspections, and much more. To learn more about people search and other useful information please click here now:===>

Article Source: in the NEWS!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Here Is How To Use An Online Dating Search To Catch A Cheating Spouse

Do you think your spouse is cheating on you? It is estimated as high as 50% of all are involved in infidelity at one time or another in their marriage. If that number seems high it isn't now thanks to the internet.

Let's look at this a little closer and see why you may need to use the internet to investigate your own spouse. Here are a few facts to keep in mind in regards to infidelity.

1. Infidelity is hard to spot because you may not be expecting it. In hindsight many of the signs are there from the very beginning.

2. Women cheat more often now that they are in the work place more than they used to be. This creates more opportunities.

3. Men still do cheat more on their wives than vice versa.

4. Internet dating services are helping increase the numbers of cheaters. Meeting people on the internet is easier to do.

5. Chatting and instant messaging allows for instant communication and the chances for a relationship to develop quicker than in the past.

6. Infidelity can be both physical and emotional. Physical infidelity is starting on the internet with emotional infidelity.

So what do you do if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you? Certainly you can confront them, but many times this only leads to a string of lies that can make matters worse and leave you even more suspicious than before.

You can hire a professional to investigate for you. The internet can actually work in your favor as well. Hiring a private investigator involves a bit more sophistication now than in the past.

You are not tailing your spouse to see where they are going. You are starting by providing your spouse's email address. It will be fed into a database of thousands of dating web sites to see what comes up.

If the email address they are using, is registered to online dating service, you are given the website address. This is factual information to confront them with. Plus it is fast to find out. You can know in a day or even a few hours time.

The fees for a dating service search can range from $70 to $100 and is a great way to find internet infidelities.

In conclusion infidelity is a thing that happens and may happen to you. The only way to know for sure is to look into it. Now you can use the internet to do online dating searches and find out if your spouse is cheating on you.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your email trace online needs. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ---->

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Place of Employment Locates - How to Do it Right

By Ed Opperman

As a private investigator sooner or later you'll be asked to find out where someone works. This is called a current employment locate or a POE.

There are several reasons why a client may need to find out where someone works. But before you begin this job you should try to verify if the client has a legitimate reason to request a current place of employment locate. This way you prevent someone that may be a stalker from obtaining this information.

Permissible reasons for a POE:

1. Collection of a judgment
2. Child support enforcement
3. Service legal papers
4. Vehicle repossession
5. Fugitive recovery.

There are many other permissible reasons but as a profession you must use good judgment as with any investigation.

How to locate a person's employment:

Old timers in this profession will immediately attempt a surveillance. They will try to follow the subject to work in the morning. This can be very costly to the client. You can begin a surveillance on a Monday morning at say 5 AM. The subject may have left already, they may work nights. They may be sick that day, on vacation or have that day off. Even if you catch him leaving the house you might lose him or get burned.

Surveillance can be expensive.

Another thing you can try is a curbside investigation. You drive by the house on trash day and take their trash bags from the curb. Try to replace their trash bags with decoy bags of the same color. You can bring your own but if the size and color don't match you can get some from a neighbor. (Be sure to check your local laws on curbside trash removal first).

You can also try a pretext call to trick the subject into revealing where they work. This is only advisable as a last resort and should only be attempted by an experienced telephone pretexter that can think fast. If you get burned on the phone you could blow the investigation.

Database services. There are little known databases that can reveal a persons employment. These are only available to licensed PI's for legitimate permissible use.

Sources. Every PI has to be constantly developing sources with access to inside information that will act as tipsters to provide an investigator with the information they need.

Many times a PI will be too busy to do all this preparation and leg work on their own. Instead they will rely on another PI that brokers this kind of information in bulk. They are already set up with the necessary databases, trap lines, pretext scripts and insider informants. They routinely buy and sell this kind of information all day long. A PI may find it easier to outsource this kind of job rather than weed through someone else's dirty garbage.

In the end the decision is up to you how you will locate a persons place of employment. You can get yourself set up and prepared for repeat jobs or farm it out to a PI that buys and sells this type of information.

The author, Ed Oppereman, has over 10 years experience in providing current employment locates. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of catching cheating spouses online and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Retrieve Deleted Text Messages and Put an End to Your Stress

When you have seen some noticeable changes in your relationship and everything seems to point in the direction that your spouse or partner has been up to no good, it is a situation that can cause a great deal of stress and frustration. You may have even tried to read the sent and received text messages on his cell phone, only to find that they had been removed. Believe it or not, there is a way to retrieve deleted text messages that have already been removed from cell phones.

If you have reached the point that you cannot handle all of the unanswered questions in your mind about unfaithful actions your spouse may be participating in, it is time to consider the services that are provided by a cell phone forensic examination specialist.

An experienced cell phone forensic examiner specialist has the expertise to not only retrieve deleted text messages that have been cleared from cell phones, but they can also retrieve other helpful information as well. They have the skill that is required to obtain other deleted information such as an address book, caller ID, graphics, photographs, dates and times that calls were made and received, email addresses, and videos that may have been removed.

This is an excellent legal alternative to detailed cell phone billing records.When you have found yourself going head to head with a person you thought was being honest and true to the relationship you have built, undeleting text messages can provide you with all the ammunition you need to prove the suspicions of infidelity that you have been stressing over. In the end, the information that you are able to obtain from this valuable tool of legal investigation may give you the winning edge in a court battle.

It may be very surprising for some people to learn that there are as many as 2.4 billion individuals that use cellular devices as their main means of communication. Unfortunately, there are also several of these people that engage in shady conversations with people they are having an affair with through SMS text messaging that is very deceitful and disloyal to their partner. Cell phone forensics however gives the innocent partners an easy and effective way to fight back against infidelity.

Using a specialist in cell phone forensics that can retrieve deleted text messages from a cell phone is quickly becoming widely known as one of the best ways available to catch a cheater.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman.

Ed Opperman
invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Prove You Are Innocent of Infidelity With a Computer Forensic Examination

In our day and time it is a very common problem for husbands, wives and partners to deal with suspicions that their significant other is engaging in unfaithful behavior while they claim to be doing other things on the Internet. It is also very common for many of these innocent partners to consult the professional services that are provided by expert private investigators that have the knowledge and the skill to provide them with the evidence to support their suspicions.

What many people do not realize is that not only is this an investigation that can prove that a partner or spouse is engaging in acts of online infidelity, but a computer forensic investigation is just as effective for individuals that would like to prove that they are innocent of infidelity. The benefits that are provided to people that take advantage of this informative type of investigation are enormous, especially when it comes to being able to save a cherished relationship or marriage.

A person that has been accused of cheating behind the back of their significant other can easily prove their innocence through the recovered data that can be obtained when a computer forensic examination is performed. Some of the common forms of data that experts can recover from a laptop or desktop hard drive include the following:

-Various types of files and documents that have been deleted from the hard drive of the computer

-Emails that have been erased that contain the conversations that the suspected party has had with other people on the Internet

-Deleted chat logs that contain instant messages the individual has had on messengers that include MSN, Yahoo, AOL, Skype and various others

-Graphics or photographs that the computer user has erased

There are actually many people that are not even aware that these forms of data can be easily recovered from a computer's hard drive, even after they have been deleted from the computer. This is exactly one of the biggest reasons why a computer forensic examination is so well-known for its ability in proving and disproving the guilt of partners, husbands and wives that have been suspected to be cheating on their loved one.

Experienced private investigators that are knowledgeable in this specialized field can also prove the innocence of adults, teenagers, and even employees of a company, that have been accused of other forms of misuse on a computer hard drive.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is It Legal To Read My Spouses Deleted Text Messages?

Every where you go these days you'll see people constantly texting on their cell phone. All this instant communication and the new fad of sexting has the normally jealous spouse on a war path to see exactly what their husband or wife is texting about on their cell phone. They suspect their spouse of infidelity and inappropriate texting and want to read their secret messages. The question we want to address in this article is whether it applies to cellular forensics and recovering deleted text messages from a cell phone.

All this suspicion and jealousy has given rise to fly by night quick buck artists that are offering all kinds of cell phone apps that claim will allow you to eavesdrop or record your spouses cell phone activity. The problem is that not only don't these apps work as advertised they also seem to be illegal. In fact recently several of the companies have been served with subpoenas to turn over their business records which would include their client lists names, addresses and phone numbers. Now I'm no lawyer but a careful reading of 18 U.S.C. 2510. Chapter 119 would lead the average layman to conclude that it is illegal to intercept and read another persons communications.

So it seems clear that installing an eavesdropping app on a spouses cellular phone will get you in hot water. But how about a forensic examination of a cell phone to recover deleted texts? Most private investigators that specialize in this type of work have received calls from clients where it becomes clear that the client is stealing some one else's property in an attempt to read their private communications.

This is clearly illegal. But however the spouse has the consent of the other party or is the legal owner of the phone and has the legal authority to examine the phone then there should be no problems. Unless however the examination of the cellular phone uncovers some other illegal behavior such as child porn or other illegal activity.

But it would appear from a careful reading of the law that cell phone forensics is legal and lawful if the examiner has the permission and consent of the legal owner of the device,. So with their consent the deleted text messages can be recovered, the client can share that information with whoever they wish since they are the owner of the phone.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Friday, July 1, 2011

An Asset Search is Best Left to the Professionals

An asset search is something that is hard to conduct without outside help. If you need to learn more about any person, you may want to go online and use this type of search to help you obtain the information you are looking for. When you find out about someone's assets, you will find out more about this person in general.

An asset search may tell you about a person financial past. This will help you to determine if this is someone that you want to do business with, or even share your life. If you are considering a marriage, it is becoming more common to get background information before you take this giant step. If you know what you are up against, you will be able to start your marriage knowing about the other person's asset history and this can help you to ensure you are marrying someone you can trust.

A business partnership is another area that requires a high level of trust and one way you can determine this trust is with an asset search. You never want to enter a partnership without knowing all you can about the other person. This can help protect you later and should be conducted anytime your money is involved.

It is very simple to conduct this type of search and the internet can provide you with great information about the process. If you have some basic information you can perform this type of search on anyone of your choice. This may help you to get a better understanding of the people that are in your life, or that you do business with. You will then be able to decide who you want to trust and who may be hiding things from you.

An asset search can give you a clear understanding of who you are dealing with in your life. If you are getting ready to be involved with someone for any reason that may affect your financial status, you may want to consider using this type of search to ensure that you know the entire story. You can use this search on many people, for many reasons and in the end you may be very surprised at what you can find out about someone. This will allow you to make a better decision of the people that you place in your life and make close transactions with. You will have the security to fully trust someone and this can make a big difference in the people you trust in your life.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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