Friday, July 25, 2008

What is Identity Theft and How to Avoid it

Identity theft (or ID theft) is when a con man uses your name, addresses and other personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. Usually apply for credit in your name for in their own financial gain. ID theft has become an increasing epidemic in the United States and all over the world, as the growth of the Internet has provided new opportunities to cash in by stealing your identity.
Some frightening statistics regarding identity theft - the fastest-growing crime in America:
Over 9 million victims a year for two years running
Over 30 million victims in past five years
Top consumer complaint to FTC five years in a row
Exactly how does it happen?
How is it possible for some dumb criminal to take your name and address and use it to obtain credit in your name? Answer: It happens because the Credit Reporting Agencies do not thoroughly check the information on credit applications. They fascilitate a loan to a criminal and stick you with the bill because they do not bother to verify the information.
How nice.

Then what is the solution?
Well according to the same Credit Reporting Agency that did not verify the information on the credit application. The solution is to pay that same credit bureau about $35 to obtain your own credit report to see if they have screwed you over and given someone else money and stuck you with the bill.

So first they create a problem for you and then want to charge you to see if you have the problem so then you can pay them again to fix the problem they just created fotr you.
How nice....for them.
Fire Prevention or Fire Extinguisher?
Let me ask you a question. Would you rather know how to extinguish a fire after it starts or prevent it from starting in the first place?
Most identity theft programs suggest you run your credit report and see if anyone has already obtained credit under your good name. This way you can know that someone has already had a field day ruining your credit, running up bills in your name and when and where they spent your money.
Why don't you see if you're vulnerable to identity theft and take steps to avoid it in the first place?
Online Risk Assessment Price: $79.00

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Infidelity Statistics

There was a poll conducted to the Americans during the President Clinton’s “intern” scandal? These infidelity statistics obtained were somewhat shocking
22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations or infidelity adultery outside their marriage sometime in the past.
About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in some marriage, according to “Monogamy Myth”, Therapist Peggy Vaugn.
5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in a sexual infidelity survey conducted on 1997.
17 percent divorces in the United States are caused by marital infidelity.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why An Online Affair?

Copyright © 2008 Ed Opperman
Everyday private investigators all over the country get asked this question . In my experience, it appears to the cheater that the Web is a safer and more anonymous way to meet people than the real world is. On line, you can be anything you want to be. Maybe better looking, more successful, happier. You can claim things on the internet that you would never say in the real world. In short, it gives people a place to live a fantasy life and compensate for the short comings of their real life. If you “meet” someone online who may sound exciting, sexy and interesting, you may spend time listening to them and fantasizing about how they look and how well they relate to you. As the “relationship” goes on, the two get to know each other better and the real world begins to enter the conversations. Trust develops because this is the person “you relate to” and it builds up as more time goes by. It then gets to the point where they begin to be even more honest, sometimes totally honest, and an online affair becomes a real life relationship or affair outside of cyberspace.
Does it actually happen? Yes. Way too many of our clients consult with us and relate their disbelief that their loved one could be trolling for sex on the internet or having an on-line affair. The reality is that, like affairs at work ,school, church, the gym , it usually begins innocently and grows. People go online and get to know one another in this anonymous cyber world and slowly it progresses into cyber sex and or a real life meeting. Do not underestimate this format for people meeting and growing close on the internet. Internet affairs happen daily, in every city across the country.
There are also those who are not looking for a relationship, rather they want unconventional sex with someone they don’t know. In some cases, cyber sex fills this need. This sub-culture is comprised of men and women who use the computer to meet other people who want commitment free sex. They are attracted to the excitement of the affair. They like to type stories about extreme sexual fantasy and fetishes. They look for others who share this desire. It is important not to stereo type these folks. They are not just strippers, escorts or the dirty old man wearing a rain coat. This is your neighbor, the soccer coach, the manager at the bank, your accountant and potentially your spouse. This group uses the computer the same way those looking for true love do. They visit certain fetish sites, e-mail, chat and instant message.
The best way to get evidence of an On-Line Affair, On-Line Cheating or Cyber Sex As private investigators we see it everyday. Clients whose spouse or loved one is cheating on them and carrying on the relationship on the internet. We STRONGLY recommend that you consider handling things yourself and try a dating service search. Enter your spouses email address and see which online dating sites they are using.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

Friday, July 18, 2008

Catch Them Cheating Online: The 4 Best Methods

Are you getting more and more suspicious about your partner’s online activities? Nowadays, there are so many places in the WWW where people can chat, view and share pictures with each other. What’s dangerous is one can cheat annonymously without even having to leave the house. Before you start accusing anybody, it would be best if you confirm and make sure that there really is something unnatural going on. Catch them cheating online with a dating service search .Nothing beats the element of surprise if you’re trying to catch anything. It would be easier to place the computer in a public area of the house. Most likely, your cheating partner will try to access it when you’re not around or not in the lookout. Expect online activities to pursue after bedtime, early in the morning or when you’re out of the house. To avoid looking suspicious, you may “suddenly” need to drink a glass of water at night or have lunch at home. Try to keep quiet until you’re right behind your partner facing the computer screen. It will almost be wrong for your partner not to let you view anything onscreen at that moment.You may assume another identity online by using another computer at home or using your neighbor’s. Figure out which chat room or message boards your partner frequently visits by checking the history of your Web browser at home. If you find your partner online, start flirting or having private conversations. Ask him or her about current relationships, feelings and knowledge about you, etc. Don’t forget to let him or her give out his or her full name so you can confirm that it’s really your partner with the username. Print out the conversation for evidence. Never reveal yourself online and wait until the right moment when you get home. Since you also have your own time using the computer at home, you may want to start browsing through folders, files and the Web browser history. If the history is always cleaned up manually, it could be a sign that your partner is hiding something from you. Set the history clean up once every week or two weeks and check if anyone changes the settings. Logs and unusually labeled folders may contain secret conversations that prove cheating ways. Avoid installing surveillance programs that can easily be detected by antivirus programs. You may want to use your router or more reliable programs instead for network traffic observance. Catch them cheating online by looking for Web sites offering dating service search services. Some may give you a free trial while others will cost you depending on the coverage and available options. The main idea is to simply provide your partner’s email address to the Web site and they will automatically compare and analyze it with thousands of online areas like dating services and personal Web pages. Your partner may secretly be looking for someone else online. Any matches found will immediately be sent to you so you can truly confirm cheating habits.Most dating sites will require users to give out their email address, name or location. It may be possible for your partner to use a secret email address or username so try to look for methods, hints or clues that will let him or her give it out to you. Use the approaches above to get leads and successfully catch them cheating online saving yourself the hassle of an unworthy relationship.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Personal Ad Investigation: Is Your Spouse Cheating Online

If you’re in a relationship, there is no excuse for you to be putting up a personal ad hoping to attract anyone online. Dating services and Web sites always require users to give some information about themselves in order to grab attention and find suitable matches. A personal ad investigation comes in very handy if you want to find out whether or not your partner is really cheating on you.
Since there are virtually thousands of online dating sites with individuals coming from every corner of the world, it is only fair that you prioritize security over everything else. It may be another thing to catch your partner cheating on the internet but there are also many ways to at least keep protected from the dangers and threats that can stem from these seemingly friendly areas.
Cyber cheating is a serious matter and can destroy relationships and lives. What goes on in the internet can progress and lead to real time offenses. There are plenty of other threats that go together with online infidelity which is why you need to keep an eye on plans, reasons for cheating and assets. Thousands of people who had cheating spouses online also had problems losing money and having confidential information handed out because of malicious data sent to their computers and openly accepted, downloaded and installed.
If you meet someone online or want to observe your partner’s online activities, you can investigate the personal ad first. Doing this will present to you various information about the third party. It may hopefully also be able to give you ideas on how and why your partner is looking for someone new on the internet.
An investigation will give you personal data like the real name of the users, actual location, contact numbers, IP address of the computer, type of computer, operating system used and occupation. Further leads can show background history as well like educational attainment of the person, schools attended, academic and non-academic activities and criminal offenses. You will then be able to gauge how dangerous a third party can be to your relationship and partner. Other things may also be provided like pictures, online conversations and videos that may be uploaded by either party.
You may also view marriage and divorce records. Find out if your partner presents himself or herself as a single individual, with or without children or divorced. The personal ad your partner puts up will include all vital information as he or she tries to look for prospects online. You will then be able to separate the lies from the truth and determine how desperate the actions might be outside your current relationship. Asset checks may also be performed by a personal ad investigation showing properties, businesses and monetary assets.
A personal ad investigation may require you to give the service provider your partner’s email address, name and location. They will analyze and sift through thousands of online dating Web sites hoping to find a match with your given data. Take note that the service functions to give you enough data to prove whether or not your partner is doing anything wrong behind your back. The approach of investigation includes advanced tools and internet methods but you cannot expect professionals to disturb or ruin anything since it is outside their coverage.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why Hiring A Professional Is The Best Way To Do An Email Trace

If you have a reason to do an e-mail trace you may want to consider hiring a professional. A professional can generally trace an email and locate the sender, and even identify who they are. There are a few reasons why hiring a professional could be something for you to consider.
One problem that makes it tough for the average person to trace an email is the person you are trying to trace may not want to be found. There are ways around this however.
When you're trying to trace an email address there are tools that are easy to use. The Internet helps because there are many websites that will help you find an email address.
If you have a reason to do an email trace you may want to consider hiring a professional. A professional can generally trace an email and locate the sender, and even identify who they are. There are a few reasons why hiring a professional could be something for you to consider.
One of the best reasons to hire professional is you may want to keep your identity private. This is especially true in cases of online harassment. If you feel you're being harassed the last thing you want to reveal is you are searching for the person doing it.
Other reasons that you may want to hire a professional includes cyber stalking and deformation. A professional will have the proper tools and access to the right information to help you determine who is doing this to you via an email trace.
Another problem with trying to do it yourself is that although there are websites that offer free email traces many of them are outdated. Free websites and services are not kept current because there really is no monetary benefit for them to do so.
A private company will have access to newer versions available online and therefore be able to quickly do an email trace for you at a reasonable price. This allows you again to keep your identity unknown without risking your credibility.
A professional can do an email trace and come up with very viable information to you. Some of the things they will be able to find out for you include the name of the person, address, phone number, operating system used, what that person does for a living, a geographical location, the browser they are using, and much more.
Because you never know exactly why someone is bothering you on the Internet, timing is everything. Because of the potential damage that can be done to you it is important that you do an email trace as soon as possible. This is another reason to hire a professional and let them do the hard work for you.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Do you need To Locate Someone?

Are you having a rough time trying to find someone who seems to have disappeared? Many times, a good investigation company is just a click of your mouse away. If you are unsure how to locate someone hiring a professional can be a whole lot easier online.
Trying to find someone is really not something you think much about it until it becomes personal. For various reasons some people do not want to be found and that can make it even more difficult. Do you need to locate someone?
It really has become easier to find people with today's technology that used to be in the past. Even people who have disappeared over the years and don't want to be found can be found using the advancements in technology today.
One way that this being used today to locate someone is by email address. For example, let's say that you have a runaway that you need to track down. Kids today do a couple of things more than ever in the past. They send text messages, and they checked their e-mail.
We live in a very mobile society who relies on instant communication. You do not even have to spend a lot of money to keep in touch with someone and even a runaway is probably communicating with someone. They just are doing it with you.
Another thing is many runaways do not think about how easy it is to find him with their e-mail address. It certainly is possible to track someone down when they are sending e-mails just by locating where the e-mails are coming from.
Bail jumpers are another group that needs to be found. You would not necessarily think of these people as being someone who sends a lot of email, yet if they have an email address it can be used to track them down.
People run away for various reasons, and may go to greater lengths to not be found. You may be in a current situation that has just arisen and finding a person like this can be easier to do.
Regardless of how long they have been gone it is still possible to find them. This may not be something that you are able to do yourself and would want to hire a professional company to do it for you.
Regardless of your reasons, it is not as expensive to track someone down as you might think. If you need to locate someone you may want to consider doing this.
Word Count: 411
Keywords: locate someone, bail jumper, runaway
Summary: Are you having a rough time trying to find someone who seems to have disappeared? Many times, a good investigation company is just a click of your mouse away. If you are unsure how to locate someone hiring a professional can be a whole lot easier online.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>