Thursday, May 12, 2011

What To Do If You Think Someone Is Spying On Your Emails?

Do you suspect that your email account has been hacked and that someone is accessing your account and reading your private emails? This is far more common than you might think. Many people are victim to this kind of intrusion but do not know what to do about it. Often if you go to family, friends or even the police your suspicions will not be taken seriously. So what do you do if you think you're hacked and your email privacy has been invaded.

Now if you do an Internet search on this topic you'll find dozens of suggestions on how to change your passwords and choose a secure password etc but unfortunately none of those suggestions will help you locate and identify the person that has hacked you and has been spying on you.. In most cases it won't really stop the activity anyway. But in this article we are not going to discuss prevention at all. It's too late. If you're reading this far chances are you've been hacked and you want a solution.

There are private investigators that offer a hacked email account investigation. This type of investigation will remotely monitor your email account for signs of unauthorized intrusion. This is the quickest and easiest way to catch someone in the act of invading your privacy.

Now the most important thing to remember is hat when you contact the investigator to retain the services you do not use the email account or computer that you believe is hacked. Because if you do the hacker will see that you are investigating him and this will make things far more difficult.

But if you have already tipped off the hacker and now they know you are on to him all is not lost. You may not be able to lay in wait and catch them in the act but a forensic examination of your computers hard drive may be able to discover evidence of not only unauthorized access but also the email address or FTP connection where your private information has been sent. In fact you may even get the password of that connection. Completely turning the tables on your stalker.

So if you think someone is spying on your emails, by hacking into your computer there are very simple inexpensive ways to locate and identify that stalker and document enough evidence to bring them to justice.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Oppermaan is Pres Of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you suspect someone is reading your emails you need a hacked email account investigation. Visit to locate or identify the hacker.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is Your Spouse Having an Online Affair? Try an Internet Infidelity Investigation

The internet has a lot to offer us today, but quite honestly, it has led to the demise of many marriages. In the past, affairs started through one-on-one contact -- meeting somebody at work, at the gym, or even at the bar or a club. However, because the internet allows us to communicate with individuals around the world, with the push of a button no less -- the potential for cheating spouses has increased exponentially.
In order to catch your spouse cheating online, you have to understand some of the common signs of a cheating spouse. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself:

-Does your spouse spend a lot of time on the internet, either alone, or "behind closed doors"?

-Has your spouse grown moody or emotionally distant lately?

-Does your spouse have hours of their day unaccounted for?

-Has your sexual relationship with your spouse noticeably changed? Either your spouse's sex drive has suddenly decreased, or their sexual interests have taken on a new dynamic?

-Does your spouse "act guilty" when you walk in on them when they are on the computer? For instance -- they quickly close their web browser's window; they close their laptop's lid, or they suddenly come up with something important to say so that you cannot ask them what they were doing?

-Does your spouse work late, alone, but offers no concrete reasons for doing so?

-Has your spouse suddenly taken on new hobbies, or have they taken a renewed interest in their physical appearance?

These are a few of the telltale signs of a cheating spouse. Now, it's important to note that just because your spouse may exhibit some of the above signs, or even several of the above signs, does not mean that they are having an online affair, or an affair of any kind, for that matter. Do not jump to conclusions, and do not accuse your spouse of cheating on you until you have solid proof of marital infidelity, or at least the intention of marital infidelity.

"Married and dating" investigation services can help you to find out if your spouse is cheating on you and having an online affair, with definitive proof. Catching a cheating spouse online is not easy even for those who are more-than-moderately Internet literate, let alone those who are not familiar with how to find basic information about an individual using search engines.

Unfortunately, while the Internet has plenty of good to offer all of us, it also makes it much easier for a husband or wife to stray. You may not be able to find out if your spouse is cheating on you on your own, but there are services available today that will help you to catch your cheating spouse -- services that will give you the proof to back it up.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

iPhone Tracking Features No Surprise To Cell Phone Forensic Examiners

The recent news reports about the iPhone storing Wifi and cell phone tower information has really made international headlines. This has given birth to conspiracy theories and warnings about Big Brother and the New World Order. But this is not news at all to any cell phone forensic investigator that has been examining iPhones over the past few years. In fact this has been common knowledge.

The information is not actually tracking information per say. But it does record and store the WIFI and cell phone tower data that the phone or iPad has connected to during the devices various travels.

With the cooperation of the telcos this information can provide a forensic investigator with the general location of the device at any given time. Even without the cooperation of the telcos or ISPs with some further digging a determined investigator can probably dig up some serious clues to the devices whereabouts and recent travels.

In general a cell phone forensics can get a great deal of data from an iPhone. Much more than most devices. In fact for many years when potential clients inquire about an iPhone examination they are most interested in recovering deleted text messages. I always try to explain the vital data that can also be acquired but unfortunately this usually falls on deaf ears.

Now with the recent news reports almost every call is asking about tracking a husbands or wife's iPhone to catch them in the act of cheating. The news reports are leading people to believe that real time tracking and location is recoverable remotely from some Apple headquarters somewhere. Unfortunately this is not the case. However the recent IP address and WIFI log ins and cell phone tower data is.

What we can do with that information after it has been recovered via digital forensics is another story.

But again we cannot lose focus on the wealth of data that can be recovered from the iPhone. Texts, pics, video, voice mail, calendar, notes, browser history. This is all vital and valuable data that can be recovered with the standard iPhone forensic data recovery. So we can't become myopic in our investigation and only focus on the latest hot topic in the news. We have to use all of the tools in our tool kit to recover every last bit of data that is available from the device in question. Then use the subpoena process to obtain the telco ISP data or if that is not possible use old fashioned leg work to make sense out of the data and put names, dates and addresses to the numeric data recovered.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Ed Opperman in the NEWS!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Do Married Men Visit Online Dating Sites To Cheat Or Just Look At The Pictures?

Usually when a wife or girlfriend find out their husband or boyfriend has an ad on an online personals dating site the man will claim he was just looking at the pictures. Is this a likely story? Do men join dating sites just to look at pics, read profiles and maybe flirt a little or do they only sign up and register on the sites so they can meet up in real life and cheat on their mate?

Let's explore this. Recent studies and surveys indicate that 30% of the people that are registered on a dating site are married or in a monogamous relationship. That statistic is huge but it was recorded before the vast popularity of dating sites that actually cater to married people looking to cheat. These sites have almost 90% married members and they number in the terms of millions. The largest claims to have over 30 million members and there are several sites of this nature.

Due to these huge numbers, a cottage industry of private investigators have begun specializing in online infidelity investigations. This is an investigation where the suspects email address is traced back to their secret online personals ads. It can even locate secret social networks, dating sites, swinger sites, cam sites and even porn and escort service sites. Suspicious wives and husbands will pay for this kind of investigation and receive a report that details a list of all of the web sites that the suspect has registered their email on. The problem is that when the man is confronted with this report they just claim they were looking at the pictures of the pretty girls on the site. Or they could turn the tables and claim they joined the dating site to search for their wife's secret ad.

After hearing this complaint a few hundred times the private investigators that designed the online dating service assessments came up with a follow up course of investigation to get the solid evidence needed to catch that cheater red handed. What they did was devise a very clever and elaborate trap to catch cheaters online. In general it's known as a personals ad investigation. In this next stage of investigation the private investigation agency will use pretext personal ads designed to attract the attention of the suspect. The ads are aged and have aged content to look real. They will have corresponding aged Facebook and social network sites to prop up or validate the personal ad.

The investigators will use the fake sites to contact the suspected cheater on their personal ad and attempt to get him to exchange intimate photos or exchange phone numbers or call into a trap line where the suspects calling information will be recorded and documented to a report. now this is damning evidence you can use to confront your cheating husband and there is no way he can lie his way out of it.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website if you need to catch a cheater. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches,computer and cell phone forensics. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: --->

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

How Can You Undelete Deleted SMS Messages From Your Cell Phone?

So you want to know how to undelete deleted SMS messages. Who hasn't accidentally deleted a message that you really needed, like someone's phone number or the address of the building were you are going for that job interview you really, really want. It's really easy to hit the wrong button and send a message or even a picture into oblivion.

The good news is that they don't have to stay gone. Unlike the piece of paper with the dude or girl's number you accidentally chucked into the wastebasket at the gas station, everything that passes through your phone leaves a record of some sort, and it's entirely possible undelete deleted SMS messages.

Cell phones have come an awfully long way in an awfully short time. It wasn't very long ago that you would have had to lug around a brick of phone weighing pound or so and pay ridiculous rates to be able to talk while risking shoulder train from the effort. And it wasn't too long before that you would have had to be constantly chained to a telephone.

Now you've got these ridiculously small little gadgets that allow you to text message, watch videos, play music, take pictures and, oh yeah, talk. All of this is possible because of the computer technology inside your tiny little wonder phone. It's this same technology that allows you undelete deleted SMS messages and retrieve deleted texts.

See, what the vast, vast majority of people don't understand is that once something is stored on a computer, even the computers inside our cell phones, it's actually pretty difficult to get rid of it. A lot of criminals and a lot of cheating spouses have been caught because they thought that deleting something was enough to get rid of it.

Not so. The truth is that because of the way memory on cell phones works, just deleting something only means that your cell can write over it. And just like writing like writing a note on a piece of newspaper, what was written on it first can still be there to be read if you know how to look.

Your best bet is to find a data recovery specialist, someone well versed in cell phone forensics, to undelete deleted SMS messages for you. This saves you the time and trouble of trying to do it yourself and possibly making the situation worse, and it's fast and affordable.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Reverse Email Search Investigation Can Prove Violation of TPO Or Restraining Order

Sometimes when a person has a TRO or restraining order prohibiting a person from contacting you. That person will set up a fake email account and use that anonymous fake account to continue harassing you. They think they are in the clear and untraceable because they are not using their usual email address. But is actually possible to trace that anonymous email account right back to the sender using a reverse email search investigation. You can prove that the email was written and sent by the person the court has ordered cease all contact and communication with you. Even the most savvy computer geek that thinks he knows about proxy servers and anonymous emails can be can be traced and caught by these trained investigators.

This type of investigation into the author and origin of an email and the accompanying report you can submit to the court will be devastating evidence against the person that is violating the courts no contact order. Conversely if a person is accused of violating a TRO by sending anonymous emails this same type of investigation can produce evidence exonerating the accused, proving they did not or could not possibly sent the emails in question.

A reverse email investigation is conducted by private investigators that specialize in tracing emails back to the senders and producing reports that can be used in court. These investigators have years of experience in locating and identifying people from very little information. Long before email was even invented PIs have been experts at locating people. Now in the digital age every keystroke on a computer will leave a trail that can be traced right back to the senders computer.

A reverse email investigation can also be used to clear a defendant that is accused of violating a TRO and sending emails to a plaintiff. The same investigative techniques can be used to trace the email and through a forensic examination and comparison of the headers prove that the email could not possibly have been sent by a defendant.

If you are a litigant in a court case, TPO or otherwise and you intend to use an email as evidence you had better not walk into court empty handed. Today the courts are aware of email tracing and also email forging. So you had better bring in a report of a reverse email search investigation prepared by a qualified investigator.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Colorado Private Investigator Wins National Publicity Cyber-Sleuthing for Celebrities

By the Denver Private Investigator Blog

COLORADO SPRINGS — A Colorado private investigator is attracting boatloads of national press by identifying emailers and conducting other cyber-stalking investigations for a wide range of clients, including celebrities.Ed Opperman of

Ed Opperman of recently investigated the origin of an e-mail complaining about one of the producers of shock-jock radio talker Howard Stern. The case made national headlines, and it’s far from the only time Opperman has worked for celebrities.

Opperman offered some insights into his cyber-sleuthing in a recent e-interview with the Denver Private Investigator Blog.

Private Investigator Blog: What is your background as a PI? What types of cases did you work most often?

Opperman: I worked as an information broker in the 80's and made a good name for myself. I got hired by PIs in NYC to do organized crime cases. Went on to do other things, then teamed up with some retired NYC cops in 2000 to do employment screening for UPS. Then I branched out into full-service PI work. Now I mostly do cyber-stalking investigations, computer and cell phone forensics to recover data in infidelity cases. I also invented a search to trace email address back to online dating services to catch people cheating online.

Private Investigator Blog: Why are you based in Colorado?

Opperman: I like the licensing laws, tax rates, climate, small town feel, inexpensive labor and rents.

Private Investigator Blog: What career path led you to form your current business?

Opperman: I went to school for paralegal studies, I worked for licensed investigators in NYC as an information broker and then in the telecommunications field. I expanded that into my cell phone forensics and email tracing. I partnered with retired LEO to do employment screening, but then took advantage of my experience in telecommunications to do email tracing.

Private Investigator Blog: How do you promote your business?

Opperman: Article writing, word of mouth, referrals. I don't advertise at all. Most of my clients come to me from PIs or lawyers I worked with in NYC 25 years ago. I have a good reputation among my fellow investigators and law firms. I try to promote my business to professionals in the business for a flat rate fee.

Private Investigator Blog: You seem to attract a lot of the celebrity clients, and then you promote what you do for them on your web site. How do you attract them? And how do you get their permission to use them in your company promotional materials? Among the celebrity clients that you ask for permission to cite in your company’s promotional materials, what percentage turn you down?

Opperman: I fell into that. I did a few jobs for some high profile clients and word gets around. My biggest cases have never been publicized. But more recently in the Tiger Woods case I was retained by a talent agent/manager and all her jobs are for public release. The jobs are designed to be press-released. I never ask for permission to press- release a job. Those jobs that get press releases come to me initially as jobs that are intended for press-release.

I have worked and I am working for some other celebrity/political cases that I would never dream of press-releasing or ever asking to press release. In fact if you notice there are jobs I've done, like the one you initially contacted me about [regarding Howard Stern], that are widely reported in the press already but I have never press released.

I've also had several very high profile celebrity cases that were initially meant for press release but after the investigation, the results were not suitable for public release.

Private Investigator Blog: Are celebrities good clients? Are they more demanding than your “regular” clients?

Opperman: I work through the agent/ managers so it’s no different than working for a lawyer. In my opinion they are less difficult than lawyers. LOL I've consulted with many celebrities directly mostly in pre-litigation but all my consultations in those instances have been very friendly and amicable.

Private Investigator Blog: Without giving away proprietary information, tells us what you can about how you obtain the information you provide your clients The common understanding is that in order to get an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide the name of the owner/user of an email address, you have to have a subpoena. Do you get around that somehow, or do you simply provide the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer from which an email was sent? What do you tell your clients who want more?

Opperman: I never request information from an ISP unless it's with a subpoena. But that's not the only way to obtain information from an email address. I have my own database. I have access to many databases but I also have ways of contacting the e-mailer or luring them into traps that will reveal their identity. In fact the Howard Stern case was a very simple trace. If they had not mentioned on the air that I was tracing the email it would have been very easy to identify him. At the same time I was doing the exact same job for a city attorney in a California and it only took a few days to ID the e-mailer. The investigations were identical.

Your question is based on the misconception that identifying the person behind an email address begins and ends with an examination and trace of the e-mail header. I could talk about this for hours and hours. There is much more to an email trace investigation than just a header trace or examination.

Private Investigator Blog: Are there any limitations on what you can obtain with respect to emails and email users/owners? In other words, what do you have to tell your clients that you CANNOT get?

Opperman: Of course. There's no guarantee. It's an investigation like any other investigation. In fact I turn down or reverse many clients every week. Some cases are impossible and not worth wasting time. If I cannot get enough information to return a report then it's a not a hit. If I return a report and they need further investigation or consultation with LEO or their attorney then I bill hourly. For instance in the Howard Stern case, I was able to prove the e-mail was only created a few minutes before it was sent and then I was able to trace it back to a city computer. So now that's enough to report to the city and have it complete the investigation without contacting the ISP with a subpoena. But that’s just one example of how this kind of investigation is completed with successful results.

Private Investigator Blog: What do you like most about your work as a PI?

Opperman: I like helping people in trouble. If you look at my Facebook you'll see people thanking me for helping to reunite their family. I like locating or identifying cyber stalkers after the clients have been told it was impossible. I've located run away kids, non-custodial child abductions. That kind of investigation is very satisfying.

Private Investigator Blog: What do you hate most about your work as a PI?

Opperman: I don't like the billing and collections and clerical work on that end. I enjoy the investigation, finding information but I don't like to have to ask for more money. I try to keep all my services at a flat fee. Then leave it to the client to request further work. I think that's fair.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Dangers Of Online Dating - Recent Murders

I'll begin with the most recent story of how truly dangerous online dating can be. I'm sure we all know that online dating can be quite the gamble. Is your life worth that risk. I would say that's a pretty big gamble to take. Just recently a man whose name is Abraham Fortune's account was deleted and removed from a dating website. Fortune did not mention that he had a criminal record. He also did not state that he was a convicted triple murderer that had served 11 years in prison.

A Phoenix man named Wade Ridley was found in Las Vegas in front of the Hard Rock Hotel in another woman's vehicle. He drove his Ex-girlfriends car to Las Vegas to elude the police. He left Phoenix after he brutally stabbed his ex girlfriend Anne Simenson with a machete. Before this tragedy happened He left another woman for dead after beating her repeatedly, stabbing her and then left her for dead. Ridley was a member of the dating website

Online dating is the new age way to meet people and find your "true love." How well do you really know a person in general, let alone from simply reading there profiles online. If someone expresses that much interest in you as you do in them isn't it worth finding out if they're legit in what they tell you? Information can be obtained through private investigators who specialize in online dating service investigations. You may think to go through all that would be such a hassle. If you had enough interest in this person I would say the "hassle" could possibly just save your life.

Things to do to ensure your safety when dating online

1. Best and safest route, hire a private Investigator to obtain information about the person in question before meeting them in person.

2. Always leave the name of the person with a family member.

3. Always carry a cell phone.

4. Always meet them in a public place.

5. Best to have your own form of transportation in case something does not feel right you can leave.

It seems like more of a gamble and a hassle to have to be that cautious, just to go out on a date. To hire someone that can provide you with information behind this particular person could ultimately give you piece of mind. It will allow you to feel safer in knowing that your date is not a criminal or someone that could endanger your life.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service investigation website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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