Saturday, February 28, 2009

Is Your Wife Having an Emotional Affair?

As many men already know -- extramarital infidelity can surface in a few different ways. Sometimes, a woman may be having a physical relationship with another man, in other cases -- a woman maybe having what appears to be a platonic relationship with another man, but the boundary between friends and "too close" have become blurred. There is a third type of relationship that a woman may have with a man, and this relationship is oftentimes the most difficult to detect -- an emotional affair with no physical contact.

Extramarital infidelity is, for many people, a type of an affair. While an emotional affair may lack physical intimacy, or even physical contact for that matter -- within the confines of marriage, generally the longing for another individual, or their attention, is usually viewed as a breach of the unwritten rules of a marital relationship. Even if the so-called "affair" is simply an emotional affair, this could have devastating effects on your relationship.

Signs your wife may be having an emotional affair
-Has your wife suddenly become more cheery, or just has a better demeanor about her for no apparent reason?
-Does your wife spend a lot of time on the computer, while being secretive about who she's chatting with, her e-mails, and the website she's visiting?
-Has your wife suddenly taken a renewed interest in her overall appearance?
-Has your wife suddenly lost interest in talking with you about her day's activities -- especially when she used to be a "chatterbox"?

Now, just because your wife is displaying one of the above signs, or even several of these signs -- this does not mean that she is necessarily cheating on you. However, these are telltale signs that your wife may be developing an emotional interest and other man.

How to respond to potential extramarital infidelity
If you suspect that your wife may be, at the very least, talking to another man in an inappropriate way -- the first thing you need to do is get proof. Do not confront her -- if what you suspect is true, you may only end up building a bigger wall between the two of you. On the opposite side, if you confront your wife about potential infidelity and that simply is not happening -- you could do irreparable harm to your marriage. There are online fidelity investigation services that can help you to verify whether your wife may be involved in an inappropriate relationship with another man.

In many people's eyes -- cheating is cheating, regardless of whether it is physical or emotional. However, before confronting your wife on your gut feeling -- it is a good idea to get some solid proof to backup your suspicions.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need assistance with a Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation please feel free to visit his web site.

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AOL Reverse Email Search

Hotmail Reverse E-Mail Search

Friday, February 27, 2009

2 Ways to Catch Your Spouse Cheating on You

Cheaters are largely the same today as they were thirty years ago, though the ways to catch a spouse engaged in extramarital infidelity have changed with the times. While cheaters will still show the signs of a cheating spouse, there are ways, using old and new technologies, to catch your uncommitted partner.

Here are two ways to catch your spouse cheating on you:

Catch them in a lie

When your significant other is cheating on you, there is a good chance that they are juggling a large number of truths, half-truths, and lies so that they can hide their extramarital infidelity from you, and hide the fact they are married from the other person that they are seeing. For this reason, it can be somewhat easy to catch your spouse in a lie if they are cheating on you.
In reality, catching your spouse in a lie can be as simple as playing the "forgetful spouse". Now, for this to work without raising suspicion - you should be naturally interested in what your spouse does on a daily basis.
For instance, if your spouse has told you that he or she is going out for the day to run errands, or some other ambiguous activity - be sure to ask them about what they're doing before they actually head for the door. Any questions that you ask, especially if they are out of the blue or unexpected, can throw a cheating spouse off balance enough for you to detect them trying to come up with an answer to the question.

If your spouse hesitates, this alone could be indicative of them and least trying to hide something from you, and if they display other signs of cheating - it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak.

Catch them online

While the internet has given us a great number of benefits and conveniences, it is has also been a major obstacle for marriages comprised of a spouse with a low-level of commitment to the marriage. Nowadays, "married but dating" websites abound - not only that, there are chat rooms, so-called "escort" forums, and just an overall abundant number of opportunities for a spouse who entertains extramarital infidelity. Yes, the internet can be a problem in certain marriages and for certain people - but in all actuality, catching a cheater who uses the internet to engage in their illicit affairs can actually be quite simple.

Online fidelity investigation services specialize in tracking cheaters online. Now, even if you are an internet "guru", so to speak - the in-depth research that an investigative service produces far outweighs any information that you could glean through your own research. If your spouse is using an online dating website to pursue their extramarital infidelity, there's a good chance that these types of services will not only be able to identify a cheating spouse - but catch them in the act as well.

Extramarital infidelity is a major problem these days, and it is a problem that has destroyed marriages time and time again. While unfortunate, the best thing that you can do for yourself, so that you can figure out what you need to do in the end, is to, first of all - catch your partner cheating on you.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your unlisted phone number search needs. He offers internet infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now:===>

Recent articles:

Gmail Reverse Email Search

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Your Husband Cheating on You With an Escort?

While it is painful to even think about, you've started to have this nagging suspicion in the back of your mind that your husband may be cheating on you with an escort. Whether he heads out late at night to run ambiguous errands, comes back home and immediately heads to the shower, or returns home appearing to have already showered at a different location -- these are the signs that led you to believe your husband may be engaging in extramarital infidelity with an escort.
What is important to know with this type of activity, in general, is that seeing an escort is not usually one of the first steps of extramarital infidelity. If your husband has been, in fact, seeing an escort -- there is a good chance that he has a history of unfaithfulness to one degree or another. As an example, before man would visit an escort, it is likely that he has a history, generally a long history, with pornography in general. In addition to viewing pornography, there is also the chance that these men have used various websites, such as married but looking websites, adult chat rooms, escort websites, and so forth, before they have actually met up with an escort.
Nowadays, finding an escort on the internet is no more difficult than it is to find a used bicycle, or a baseball glove to purchase. Classified ads websites like and offer entire sections dedicated to so-called "adult entertainment", and these sections are rampant with men and women advertising themselves, and their bodies, for a flat-rate fee.
Because the internet is a major resource for those looking to engage in extramarital infidelity, and because men who visit escorts oftentimes have a history of visiting websites and online services which cater to this lifestyle -- online investigation services have a strong track record of helping wives to determine whether or not their husbands are using an escort's services. While you could hire a private investigator to follow your husband around, that can prove to be a costly venture, and if your husband has not yet moved on to actual "meetings", the PIs fees may not result in a justifiable end.
However, because men who visit escorts oftentimes have a long history of deviance from their marital vows, online infidelity investigation services can help to uncover both the types of websites that your husband has visited as well as potentially catching them trying to solicit an escort. Maybe your husband has not made the step to seeking out an escort, but if you have the nagging suspicion that it could be happening, or that he is caught up in extramarital infidelity in any capacity -- you owe it to yourself to find out for certain.
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Cellular Forensics and infidelity investigations. If you suspect your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and need help uncovering the truth visit
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Be Reunited With Your First Love

Don't you miss them? It was years ago when you first met, and it's been years since you've seen each other. But you still feel that same love for them just like always. Every time you think of them, your heart pounds and you grin from ear to ear. What if you could see them again and get the chance to rekindle that old flame? Surely if you still feel it, they do too.

First loves are usually very long lasting loves, and often times they end up becoming life long companions. Sadly, though, there are circumstances in life which we sometimes can't control, and because of these we are separated from our first love. It's not your fault nor theirs, but a combination of all the external factors going on around you and you're torn apart. Many have experienced this very thing, but you don't have to go on wondering anymore. You can be reunited with your first love.

You may have heard of something called a people finder search; it's a locater service that is provided by private investigators. You can actually hire a PI to do this for you, and if your first love is anywhere to be found, they'll find them. The only thing that you'll need to provide to start the investigation is their name, age, and an address from a previous residence. For the most basic people finder search, results will be returned to you within 24 hours. At most, it will contain a current phone number and address, and in some cases this is all you need to be reunited. Should it be needed, a private investigator is also able to perform a skip trace. This type of search requires a more footwork, and therefore, it can take up to two weeks to be completed. A skip trace is usually only needed though when all other options turn up no results.

Regardless of the type of investigation that is performed, a private investigator is your best bet and should be your first choice if you really want to find your first love. They won't waste your time, and they certainly have all the tools and resources available to them that you otherwise wouldn't be able to access. A private investigator can and will find them, and will bring you back together again.

Seriously, just think about it. Doesn't it excite you even the least bit to know that you could be talking with your first love after all these years in as little as a day from now? No doubt that it does. You probably can't think about anything other than the fact that you'll be together again.

If you decide to hire a PI to perform this investigation, be sure they are an expert in People Finder Search and other related investigations. Do your homework and research their name and PI agency to see if they are considered to be experts in this very cutting edge type of investigation.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Skip Tracing and People Finder Search investigations. If you need help finding someone visit

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is Your Wife Having an Emotional Affair?

Is Your Wife Having an Emotional Affair?

As many men already know -- extramarital infidelity can surface in a few different ways. Sometimes, a woman may be having a physical relationship with another man, in other cases -- a woman maybe having what appears to be a platonic relationship with another man, but the boundary between friends and "too close" have become blurred. There is a third type of relationship that a woman may have with a man, and this relationship is oftentimes the most difficult to detect -- an emotional affair with no physical contact.
Extramarital infidelity is, for many people, a type of an affair. While an emotional affair may lack physical intimacy, or even physical contact for that matter -- within the confines of marriage, generally the longing for another individual, or their attention, is usually viewed as a breach of the unwritten rules of a marital relationship. Even if the so-called "affair" is simply an emotional affair, this could have devastating effects on your relationship.
Signs your wife may be having an emotional affair
-Has your wife suddenly become more cheery, or just has a better demeanor about her for no apparent reason?
-Does your wife spend a lot of time on the computer, while being secretive about who she's chatting with, her e-mails, and the website she's visiting?
-Has your wife suddenly taken a renewed interest in her overall appearance?
-Has your wife suddenly lost interest in talking with you about her day's activities -- especially when she used to be a "chatterbox"?
Now, just because your wife is displaying one of the above signs, or even several of these signs -- this does not mean that she is necessarily engaging in extramarital infidelity. However, these are telltale signs that your wife may be developing an emotional interest and other man.
How to respond to potential extramarital infidelity
If you suspect that your wife may be, at the very least, talking to another man in an inappropriate way -- the first thing you need to do is get proof. Do not confront her -- if what you suspect is true, you may only end up building a bigger wall between the two of you. On the opposite side, if you confront your wife about potential infidelity and that simply is not happening -- you could do irreparable harm to your marriage. There are online fidelity investigation services that can help you to verify whether your wife may be involved in an inappropriate relationship with another man.
In many people's eyes -- cheating is cheating, regardless of whether it is physical or emotional. However, before confronting your wife on your gut feeling -- it is a good idea to get some solid proof to backup your suspicions.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need assistance with a Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation please feel free to visit his web site.
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Expert in Email Tracing Can Use Header Trace to Stop Cyberstalking

Many online users have fallen victim to cyberstalking, and those who realize it will usually try and pinpoint the culprit by using free email searches or free email traces. Most often times, these tools don't return any useful results, and the information is invalid or outdated. Email tracing is an effective method of tracking down the person behind the cyberstalking, but a private investigator who specializes in this type of thing is what's needed.
Cyberstalking is commonly defined as the use of information or communication technologies by one or more individuals to harass, threaten, or otherwise bring harm to another individual, group, or organization. The most noted behaviors include false accusations, electronic monitoring, sending of threatening emails, and various other forms of harassment. When confronted with a situation that even remotely resembles that of cyberstalking, one should seek immediate help at protecting themselves. Although, the offense is only online, it can quickly become a real and physical threatening nuisance.
Maybe you've gotten a strange email from someone saying they were angry with you over a past argument and you wrote it off as being mistakenly sent to you. Only days later, you got another warning you that they'd get you back for what you did to them, this one being more aggressive and intellectually demeaning. If you notice any emails such as these, you should report them. Your best bet is to try to have an email trace done to identify the person who is sending the emails. An experienced private investigator can surely help you to do this, and they often have more advanced methods for doing so.
A professional email trace will usually reveal a lot of detailed information about the person behind the incident, and will allow you to protect yourself against future harassment. Email tracing reports will give you the name, address, phone number, and even the place of employment of the offender. You will be able to find out their ISP (internet service provider), the person or organization to contact about the abuse, and sometimes other links to their internet activity. A full email trace report can be completed in as little as 24 hours, but at times can take as long as 14 days. And something else that you will find with a private investigator is that they won't charge you if they can't return a report. So, what have you got to lose?
If you are a victim of cyberstalking or have been in the past, there are things that you can do to protect yourself and people who can help you. You definitely want to employ the assistance of a qualified individual such as an expert private investigator, and one who specializes in email tracing investigations. Even if you aren't sure if you are dealing with a situation that constitutes cyberstalking, it's important to at least talk to a private investigator who has experience dealing with it.
Don't know where to begin? Check out Ed Opperman, President of Opperman Investigations. He's an expert private investigator, and specializes in email tracing and cyberstalking investigations. If you have been or think you might be a victim of cyberstalking, visit to get help now!
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Signs Your Spouse is in an Extramarital Relationship

Signs Your Spouse is in an Extramarital Relationship

It can be the worst feeling in the world to find out that your spouse is having an extramarital relationship, and sometimes you never know. There's a feeling in your gut that tells you something is wrong, you have at least that much, but what are some other signs that your suspicions might be true?
There are lots of signs that you should be looking for in your spouse if you suspect an extramarital relationship brewing, or even happening right under your nose. There are always the classic signs like new excuses to stay away from home longer such as longer work hours or surprise meetings, and weird phone calls of their cell phone late at night that are constantly the wrong number. But what about the less commonly known signs of wayward spouses?
Watch their eyes - Most spouses will lie about where they've been or who they've been talking to if they are involved in an extramarital relationship. Many experts you can almost certainly tell a lie by the direction of the eyes. If you ask your spouse a question and their eyes move up and to their left or just straight to their left, they're probably lying to you. That's a sign of visual or auditory construction, meaning your spouse is trying to make up a story to tell.
Daily Behavioral Changes - Most people are habitual, not in terms of having a lot of habits and such, but meaning that their daily lives follow some sort of routine. A cheating spouse will often deviate from their routines, a lot of the times being completely sporadic and seemingly unorganized. This is a sign of an extramarital relationship that is often overlooked but is usually very plain to see.
Eating Habits - Have you noticed that your spouse asks you to cook food in a certain way, or they now complain about your cooking and they never were concerned with it before? Your spouse may be becoming more accustomed to his or her lover's tastes. A spouse involved in an extramarital relationship will sometimes have a "change in appetite" as well. They may come home already full, or may put off eating with you at all so they can go out with their lover. Another common sign of infidelity, but it often goes unnoticed.
Now there are a couple of signs that you might not be able to see because your spouse will go to extensive lengths to keep their actions hidden. Cheating spouses will use cell phones and computers to keep in touch with their lover, but it won't be so easy for you to uncover it, unless you have some expert help on your side. If either of these are a possible factor in your spouse's unfaithful activities, you should consult with a computer hard drive forensics specialist or a cellular forensics specialist.
These experts will be able to expose anything on either of these devices that your spouse has deleted or erased as an attempt to try and maintain the secrecy of their extramarital relationship. Usually, these forensics specialists work alongside a private investigator and the reports that you will receive back will be extremely detailed. An examination of a computer hard drive will turn up email conversations, website logs, instant messaging logs, and anything else that may have been erased. A cellular forensics examination will reveal deleted text messages, deleted pics, caller ID logs, and whatever else your spouse may have deleted from their phone.
It's worth a shot to hire a private investigator to conduct an infidelity investigation of your spouse is you have even the slightest feeling that they might be having an extramarital relationship. Maybe you're just being paranoid. Then again, your suspicions might well be true. You owe it to yourself to find out.
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Cellular Forensics and infidelity investigations. If you suspect your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and need help uncovering the truth visit
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Find Lost Loved Ones With a People Finder Search

Find Lost Loved Ones With a People Finder Search

Do you sit and worry some days about your best friend or perhaps your high school sweetheart? You wonder how they are doing and if they're okay, but you have no way of knowing because they moved away while you were still young. Those days don't have to continue, and you don't have to constantly fear the worse for them. You can be reunited with your high school sweetheart, or find your old time best friend by using a People Finder Search service.

Maybe ten years have passed since you last saw them, or possibly more. No matter the span of time, you remember the times you shared just like they happened yesterday. You sit and wonder sometimes if they remember the old days, if they even think about you. You hope that they do, and you also hope that you'll get to see them again. You can hire a private investigator to assist you in your search, and they will be able to produce results in about a day.

You'll need to have on hand some general information about your friend or sweetheart, like their full name, their age, and last known address. The private investigator will then begin the people finder search. Often times, an experienced PI will be able to give you their current phone number and address, and any other addresses they can find for them in the past ten years. So, if they've moved around a lot, or have a habit of bouncing around from place to place and back again, you'll still be able to find them.

In the event that you're unable to reach them with that information, you'll also have on hand a list of possible relatives of that person. So, if you can't get in contact with them directly, someone in their family might be able to point you in the right direction. Most PI's will also give you information about neighbors, and anyone else who might be living in that same household. A people finder search is your best bet in locating your best friend or high school sweetheart, and it's not costly at all.

On average, a private investigator will be able to do a full search, complete with details, in 24 hours and the price for all the results you will get won't be more than forty or fifty dollars. Isn't that worth being reunited with your loved one? You bet it is! Imagine finally being reunited after ten or twenty long years of absolutely no contact whatsoever...being able to talk to that person again will just fill your heart with warmth and love. Just to know that they're doing okay and are living their life in happiness. It will bring you peace of mind and joy to your soul.

Should you decide to hire a PI to perform this investigation, be sure they are an expert in People Finder Search and other related investigations. Do your homework and research their name and PI agency to see if they are considered to be experts in this very cutting edge type of investigation. In less time than you think, you could finally be talking with your high school sweetheart again, or catching up with your childhood best friend.

Ed Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Skip Tracing and People Finder Search investigations. If you need help finding someone visit

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reverse Email Lookup, Reverse Email Trace, and IP Trace to Stop Online Scams

With more and more people turning to the internet for solutions to everyday questions and problems, online scams are becoming more prevalent. Although this is true, there is something you and everybody else can do about it. There are several online tools of which you are probably aware, such as reverse email lookup, reverse email trace, and IP trace that will allow you to identify the culprit behind those vicious scams.

There are some online scams that are well known and usually are quite obvious to the person who happens to stumble across them. But there are some sneaky people who go to great lengths to present their 'opportunity' as a legitimate enterprise, and all too often they fool the unsuspecting onlooker. It is these that present the biggest problem, but alas, there is a solution.

You may have seen the websites where you can perform a reverse email lookup or a reverse IP lookup. Anytime someone receives a fraudulent email or happens to fall victim to a petty online scam, these are two of the first things they will employ to try and identify the person behind it. The reverse email lookup usually will give the name and address attached to the email account if there is one. All too often, this information is invalid and fabricated. Most people will use the reverse IP lookup to try and find out where the email was actually sent from, hopeful that they can also identify where the scam originated. Although, these tools may give you some information, they are not what you should be using to track down the person behind an online scam.

What is needed is the skills of an experienced private investigator, and one who specializes in dealing with online scams. They will be able to perform these services on a professional level, and with highly developed tools that provide the most accurate data available. A private investigator can perform a reverse email trace and header comparison to reveal the real name of the person behind the emails, thus revealing the person responsible for pushing the scam. An email trace will not only give the name of the person who sent the email, but also the address and phone number.

A full email trace report will give the type of computer the sender used, either Mac or PC, it will tell the browser and operating system, and will reveal links to other internet activity. The private investigator will also perform a header comparison, and this will be used to check against a list of possible suspects. The header comparison can rule out suspects, but more importantly, can be used to identify the culprit from a list of potentials.

Most email traces can take a while, with the time frame ranging from 24 hours to 14 days. Obviously, the more complex the situation, the more time it will take to get results. Once the private investigator has gotten the results of the email trace and header comparison, it can be turned over to law enforcement officials, and they will be able to perform a full fledged investigation and seek any necessary criminal prosecution.

If you suspect an online scam, or have fallen victim to one, visit Ed Opperman's online investigation website for more information. He is an expert private investigator with over 10 years experience in tracking the criminals behind online scams. Please visit for more information.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Spot Someone Lying

1. No eye contact. His eyes will look away. If the room has a means of egress - that's where they'll look.

2. Crossing of arms and/or legs ( a protective instinct).

3. The pupils of the eyes will narrow. Lying is stressful.

4. Hands on the face, especially the mouth. They are "covering" the lie.

5. Talking fast. A liar wants to get it over with.

6. Sometimes the head will nod a "no" when answering "yes" question or visa versa. This is a subconscious movement.

7. Mispronouncing the words or mumbling. A liar kind of thinks he is
not lying when he pronounces words incorrectly or mumbles.

8. Overstated friendliness/laughing. He wants you to believe and he wants you to like him so you will believe him.


1. Sit in the higher chair. A subtle sort of intimidation.

2. Uncross your lets and open your arms - lean back. Make yourself "open" to the truth.

3. Ask for minute details ( a challenge to the liar).

4. Don't ever tell them what you DO know - don't point out you know what they are saying is a lie. This is your own ego trip.

5. Invade their personal space. Get close, they'll get uncomfortable (good).

6. Mimic their posture and subtle. This establishes a rapport and they'll never figure why.

7. Speak in their style. Listen to how they think. If the person says
things like "I HEAR ya!" or "that SOUNDS good", you'll know he thinks
auditorially or with his ears. If he says "I shoulda SEEN it comin" or
"I SEE what you mean", you'll know he is visually oriented. If he says
thinks like "it HIT me like a ton of bricks" or "I just FROZE in my
tracks," you'll know he thinks by feelings. Speak to him in the same
way. A good test is to ask someone to recite the alphabet. Some people
will stare as if they are looking at the alphabet above the blackboard
in grade school (visual), some people will sing the alphabet (auditory)
and some people will tap out the letters (feeling). If you match their
thinking method, you'll have instant rapport.

8. Give "'em an "out". You gotta make it easy for them to tell the
truth. Pretend you didn't hear them correctly or tell them you didn't
understand what they said. Always leave a way out so they recant their
words and tell the truth.

9. Stay calm. Never show surprise or shock. Treat everything they say
with the same importance. The first time you react negatively you will
lose any chance of being told the truth.