Friday, May 23, 2008

The affiliate program.

The affiliate program.

I've gotten a lot of emails lately asking questions about the affiliate program. I guess the link is not self explanatory. First a disclaimer then I'll try to describe step by step how it works and how to make it work for you.

Disclaimer : You won't get rich quick. True there are some "super affiliates" that get rich through affiliate programs but I don't have any of those yet. My biggest affiliate makes $600 a month and my average affiliate makes about $85 a month. But it's really easy to make that.

Here's how it works in a nutshell.

First you follow this link and sign up to the affiliate program. It's free , easy , no investment anonymous. You don't have to give a real name just an email address that has a pay pal account.

When you sign up you get your unique "affiliate link" and access to banner ads. Anytime someone clicks on that link a 30 day cookie goes on their browser. any purchases they make on will earn you a 10% commission.

All you have to do is put the link or banner in your signature line of your emails, myspace page, message board posts, blogs etc. The more you promote your affiliate link the more people will see it, visit it bookmark it and make purchases on the site.
We have services that we sell for $500 so everytime someone makes a $500 purchase you get paid 10% via pay pal.
There's more details here at this link.
But it only takes a few minutes to get started, a few minutes a month to set up you link in blogs or signature lines.

I hope this explains enough to get you started. Once you sign up I can give you individual advice and support on how to write articles and blog posts that will help you take your affiliate program to the next level. I also have other links to other sites that also pay out high commissions and one your up and rolling I can help you add more programs.
Get more details and sign up here:
Affiliate program

If you would like to earn 10% on sales made through a link to us from your site, it's as easy as filling out a simple form, setting up the link and hopefully sitting back to watch the sales come in.

Program features

* 10% of all sales that are generated from your link
* Instant notification by email of a sale through your account
* Password protected page to check sales and update account info
* Link to specific sections of the site or to our home page
* Full technical support
* 30 day active cookie
* Receive payments via Paypal.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Top 5 Preventions Tips Before Reverse Email Lookup

Reverse email lookup is very useful since it provides you with a way to detect and locate users who send you online threats and other mere annoyances. However, you may also be interested in knowing how to first keep others from getting your email address and other vital private information without your permission. You may not be aware that some of the most common activities you do on the internet may truly be risky in nature.Primarily, you need to ensure that you only give out important details and information about your computer and yourself to people you know and trust.

The top five prevention tips are as follows:
1. Give out the right information to the right person.
2. Store and inform others to store your information properly.
3. Be careful of suspicious-looking email.
4. Be careful when sending out email.
5. Be careful when visiting Web sites or downloading data online.Do not easily give out confidential information over public areas.

A variety of advanced tools and methods already allow other individuals with more computer knowledge than you to easily access chat rooms and instant messengers. Even if you had the conversation hours or days ago, dishonest users may reach your computer and browse through old folders and files. You have to ensure that you are also communicating with the right person before handing out any data.Since others can access your computer through various means, you may want to keep it protected by installing antivirus software, a registry cleaner, anti-spyware and a reverse email trace software. If possible, write on paper or print any information you receive in your email or other applications then delete what's in your computer immediately. Also inform others to transfer data quickly and delete your sent files to keep everything confidential.Develop a meticulous eye for suspicious-looking mail or spam. Check the sender's email address as well as the title or topic. Never open anything you're not familiar with or not expecting to receive. Opening these may harbor malicious data into your computer allowing other users to view and manipulate it.

Delete any unknown files without opening.When sending out emails, also develop a more systematic approach to stay protected. You may want to modify everything in another application before copying and sending it to many when acknowledging email receipt. Schedule your email activities as well and use automatic receipts instead.Do not simply enter every interesting Web site or link you see on the internet. Learn how to look out for dangers especially those that try to lead you into viewing or downloading information. A lot of online sites will implant cookies or tracers in your computer to improve their site traffic. Initially, this is harmless in nature and only functions for advertising and marketing. However, others take advantage by planting bugs in order to view confidential data or keep spamming your email without your permission.A reverse email trace will do the job of stopping these activities. A number of Web sites offer free services while there are also software and applications that you can buy that provides a wider range of options and unlimited coverage. By tracing the sender and acquiring information too, you also give the same threat warning and forcing him or her to cease messing with your unit.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Email Trace: Keeping Your Privacy

Email Trace: Keeping Your Privacy

A reverse email trace is one great way to stay protectedfrom unscrupulous individuals. It can help you solveproblems in terms of online harassment or defamation, cyberstalking and other types of internet fraud. The entireprocess is very easy and simple as well especially if youinvest in very useful tools and reliable services.There are several Web sites that offer free reverse email

However, since the applications and tools have beenexistent for the past 20 years, it is not uncommon to endup with outdated and obsolete ones that cannot effectivelylocate individuals. There are newer versions available fromtrusted service providers which can accurately give youinformation regarding persons who seem to be stalking orputting your online credibility at risk.All you have to do is provide an email address and theservice provider will give you essential details such asthe name, address, phone number, occupation, type ofcomputer, operating system used, browser used, actualgeographic location, actual header and links to onlineactivities of the person plaguing your email.

During the infant stages of the internet, it isconsiderably safe to disclose email addresses as well assome personal data even to individuals you do not know inthe real world. However, the cyber world changesdrastically at such a fast rate in which individuals havefound a way to take advantage of those who may not be astechnological or computer savvy.Several people have lost fortunes, given away materialpossessions and had their computers hacked while otherseven go as far as receiving threats and being personallystalked.

Privacy now matters more than ever to everyone whouses the internet and it is only right that you hide youremail or keep things confidential to your contacts.Through reverse email trace, you may now provide the samescenario to dishonest individuals lurking on the Web bygetting information from them. This way, they will beforced to end any threatening activity targeting you andyour computer. Some tools aim to locate the source IPaddress through the email headers. All you need to do iscopy the full email headers into a provided box thensubmit. The service provider will instantly analyze andgive you results based on a developed system and set ofinstructions from several email programs and email services.Some tools may consider all available mail servers andclients that it processes as reliable and honest. Some willalso not attempt to trace forged email headers which areusually present in most malicious data and spam. You canfind several tools from an excellent source which willeffectively analyze mail servers and clients and give yousome ideas whether or not you can trust them.

There areseveral professionals and Web sites online offering theseuseful tools to locate and trace unscrupulous senders' IPaddresses plus other information. Some Web sites may offersimple yet effective measures while others are more seriousinvolving worldwide coverage.You can improve your privacy online by using or giving outyour email address only during private correspondence.Avoid disclosing details in public areas like chat rooms,instant messengers and other social peer exchange sites. Itis almost impossible for anyone to access your emailaddress if you keep all contents secure.

----------------------------------------------------Ed Opperman invites you to visit his email trace and reverse email search website for all of your email trace online needs. We offeronline infidelity investigations, reverse email searches,telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you cancatch unscrupulous individuals online please click herenow: --->

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Prodigal Loved One: Find by SS#

Looking for people in recent times has been easier due to a number of requirements and identifying markers. Individuals who may have been lost for several years or decades may even change their identity or develop other means of avoiding to be found. However, technological advances are now more helpful than ever to locate and find by SS# and other leads. You can finally search people all across the United States and even the world with all other relevant details and information.

A social security number or SSN is issued to citizens, permanent residents as well as temporary working residents in order to locate and find individuals for taxation. In the United States, the numbers are issued by the Social Security Administration of the U.S. Federal Government in order to properly collect taxes and provide benefits to all legal workers. It is also used to keep people from running away from due taxes since workers are required to have SSN before being allowed to work. Other agencies have then learned to rely on the SS# to also find individuals all across the country.

There are several reasons why people need to be searched using the SS#:

1. The person has been missing or reported lost for a long period of time and is being sought by loved ones and family.

2. The person is running away from the law due to commission of a crime or trying to avoid taxes.

3. The person is needed for legal procedures such as being witness to a crime.

Keep in mind that there is no U.S. law requiring citizens and residents to apply for a SS# in order to legally live and work in the country. However, so many transactions involving finances and other investments rely on the number to credit an individual or deem someone committed to any activity. Some people will also always ask for your SS# first before finding you trustworthy. Several agencies in the United States also use or index individuals by their social security number such as banks, hospitals and schools.

Even if someone has been missing for decades, it will be easier for agencies and online companies and people search engines to locate him or her with an existing SS#. To find by SS#, you simply have to input the numbers in a search box or submit them to a professional who will sort out and analyze with a very large database containing possible matches from people working in thousands of companies in different states. Any changes are expected to be updated as well so you will most likely be led to the existent and functional SS#.

Since it is very difficult to enter any financial activities or immediately gain services or benefits from agencies without an SS#, people in recent times are expected to have one. Even those who have committed a crime or are trying to run away from the law will most likely ask for issuance of one in a new location. This serves as an identifier that can easily be detected online since the codes are inputted in a database that can be accessed by legitimate parties. There are also laws requiring the use of other people's SS# since there are risks involved if it falls in the wrong hands. Once a match is found, the person's name, location, contact number and other relevant details will be revealed.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your people search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about people search and other useful information please click here now:===>